Home / International / Trump says Saudi crown prince doing ´spectacular job´

Trump says Saudi crown prince doing ´spectacular job´

OSAKA: US President Donald Trump praised Saudi Arabia´s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Saturday, saying he was doing a “spectacular job”.

“You have done a spectacular job,” Trump told the powerful crown prince as the pair met on the sidelines of the G20 summit, referring to him as “a friend of mine”.

The young royal has faced international pressure after US-based writer was killed and dismembered in the kingdom´s consulate in Istanbul last year.

But Trump ignored questions from the media about whether he would raise the journalist´s murder during his working breakfast with the prince.

In a readout provided after the talks, the White House said the pair discussed “the importance of human rights issues”, among other subjects, but gave no further details.

“It´s an honour to be with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia… a man who has really done things in the last five years in terms of opening up Saudi Arabia,” Trump said.

“It´s like a revolution in a very positive way

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