Home / Health / Swine Flu Claims 21 Lives In Myanmar

Swine Flu Claims 21 Lives In Myanmar

At least 21 people have died in Myanmar due to swine flu in the past two weeks, according to a health ministry official on Tuesday

YANGON,MYANMAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – APP –  ) :At least 21 people have died in Myanmar due to swine flu in the past two weeks, according to a health ministry official on Tuesday.

“21 including four children have died of seasonal H1N1 influenza over the past few weeks,” said Phyu Phyu Aye, information officer of health and sports ministry. The first death related to the H1N1 virus, widely known as swine flu, was reported on June 19.

A total of 99 out of more than 340 patients were tested positive for the virus in three regions — Yangon, Sagaing and Ayeyawaddy, Aye told Anadolu Agency over the phone.

“Yangon is the worst affected area,” she said, adding that 18 victims were from the largest city in the South Asian nation.

Authorities issued a health alert in the country asking people with the seasonal fever to stay away from public gatherings, and local hospitals to be prompt in their diagnosis

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