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Rainfall Increases Threat Of Dengue Larvae Spread

The present spell of rains has increased the threat of dengue larvae breeding, which needs to be tackled on urgent basis as Met office has forecast more rain in the week

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – APP – ) :The present spell of rainshas increased the threat of dengue larvae breeding, which needs to be tackled on urgent basis as Met office has forecast more rain in the week.

Chairing a meeting to review anti-dengue campaign, Deputy Commissioner Chaudary Muhammad AliRandhawa directed officials to create awareness among the people to keep their houses clean and leave no place wet or with stagnant water.

He directed the officials to ensure full implementation of anti-dengue regulations and warned that stern action would be taken against those failing to comply with the laws.

Randhawa called upon the residents to keep an eye on junkyards, schools and under construction buildings which lead to spread of dengue larvae.

He said a vigorous awareness campaign is essential for effective community participation in this regard

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