Home / Entertainment / UN responds to demands seeking removal of Priyanka Chopra as peace ambassador

UN responds to demands seeking removal of Priyanka Chopra as peace ambassador

NEW YORK: The United Nations has responded to demands seeking removal of Indian actor Priyanka Chopra as UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for peace.

When UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors “speak in their personal capacity, they retain the right to speak about issues that interest or concern them,” Stephane Dujarric, the spokesperson for Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said at his daily briefing on Thursday in answer to a question about the actor.

“Their personal views or actions do not necessarily reflect those of UNICEF,” he said, adding, “When they speak on behalf of the UNICEF, we expect them to adhere to UNICEF’s evidence-based impartial positions.” About their role, he said: “The UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors are prominent individuals who have agreed to generously volunteer their time and their public profile to promote children’s rights.”

Priyanka came under  criticism from Pakistan and globally for supporting war between India and Pakistan earlier this year when the nuclear rivals came close to a full scale war.

Chopra was asked to comment on her tweet at a conference in the Los Angeles by a Pakistani girl to which she responded harshly inviting criticism from all-around.

Human Rights Minister Dr Shireen M Mazari on Wednesday wrote a letter to UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore seeking immediate removal of Indian actress as the UN Goodwill Ambassador for Peace.

She wrote the letter over Priyanka Chopra’s pro-war comments and support to the BJP government’s policy of ethnic cleansing, racism, fascism, genocide and Indian government’s violations of international conventions and UN resolutions on Kashmir and nuclear threat issued to Pakistan by the Indian defence minister.

In the letter, Dr Mazari said the support of the UN Goodwill Ambassador Pariyanka Chopra for nuclear war undermines the credibility of the UN position to which she has been elevated

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