Home / Pakistan / PM Imran rules out talks with India until Kashmir curfew is lifted

PM Imran rules out talks with India until Kashmir curfew is lifted

Prime Minister Imran Khan Tuesday said it’s no use negotiating with India until it decides to lift curfew from the occupied Kashmir.

“We have no knowledge what will happen after curfew is lifted. But, we fear genocide to follow,” PM Imran told a press conference. “There are over eight million people living in the intense lockdown in the held region. What else could be the state terrorism?”

Imran Khan underscored the need for the world to play its role for the resolution of Kashmir issue before it’s too late.

Pakistan undertook all efforts it could to bring the situation to normalcy as the United Nations Security Council couldn’t get its decisions executed, leaving the Kashmiris in the lurch, he pointed out.

PM Imran voiced disappointment on the silence of the world over grave human rights violations in the occupied valley. He warned if the two nuclear-capable countries fought over Kashmir the entire region will be adversely impacted.

Putting eight million people in an open jail is unprecedented in this day and age, he said.

“Through cricket friendships, I know India of Nehru and Gandhi. And, I know what is going on now,” he said, adding, “I’m alarmed at the current situation. I believe the world leaders need to know about the situation in Kashmir. I spoke to them, including US President Donald Trump, British PM Boris Johnson and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.”

He said, “This is the time for the world to act before it goes too far,” adding, because after the Cuban missile crisis, two nuclear armed nations have come face to face.

Imran Khan termed the narrative as ‘nonsense’, according to which, there are terrorists on the border from Pakistan ready to enter Indian-occupied Kashmir. “I’ve heard Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi say Pakistan should stop terrorism. But, what is worse than this state terrorism that is going on in [Indian held] Kashmir?”

Imran Khan said there are the UN Security Council resolutions recognising Kashmir as a disputed territory with its right to self determination.

Unilaterally the BJP government has annexed Kashmir, against their own constitution, he said, adding this is a war crime.

After the curfew is lifted, we fear a massacre in the disputed territory with 900,000 soldiers there, he pointed out.

The Pakistani premier thanked Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan for mentioning Kashmir in his speech, adding, “We are thankful that he has taken such a stance on the issue of the people of Kashmir.”

He said, “We feel more world leaders will follow him talking about it and at the very least asking India to lift the siege.”

Pakistan has a great relationship with Turkey, he said, adding President Erdogan is coming to Pakistan next month and we are hoping to forward our relations in trade

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