Home / International / Truck slams into traffic in Germany, several injured

Truck slams into traffic in Germany, several injured

BERLIN: At least 17 people were injured after a stolen truck rammed into cars in the centre of the German city of Limburg on Monday, according to   local media outlets.

Police officials claimed to have detained the driver and launched investigation, adding that it was too soon to speculate about  motive.

Limburg police was reported as saying: “We currently do not have sufficient information about what was behind it.”

“The investigation, including questioning witnesses and collecting evidence, is ongoing.

“Based on what we have learned and several witness accounts, the man seized control of the truck at about 5:20 pm (1520 GMT),” they said.

All the injured were immediately shifted to a nearby medical fascility, where they were being treated. The  driver was  slightly injured, according to report.

In 2016, at least 12 people were killed when  a truck ploughed into a crowed  in  Berlin Christmas market

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