Home / Entertainment / Veena Malik leaves Harbhajan Singh speechless in explosive Twitter spat

Veena Malik leaves Harbhajan Singh speechless in explosive Twitter spat

Actress Veena Malik on Wednesday rendered Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh speechless during a spat that began as a commentary on the United Nations General Assembly speech of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Singh took to social networking platform Twitter last week to vent disappointment over the UNGA speech of PM Imran, pointing out that as a former cricketer, he should have advocated for peace instead of conflict.

“At UNGA speech, there were indications for India of potential nuclear war. As a prominent sportsperson, Imran Khan’s choice of words ‘bloodbath’ ‘fight to the end’ will only increase hatred between the two nations. As a fellow sportsperson I expect him to promote peace.”

Although the reaction of Singh was typical of the Indian media, which chooses to ignore Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir while criticizing PM Imran, Malik decided to teach the Indian off-spinner a lesson on October 7.

Quoting the Singh tweet, Malik was of the opinion that perhaps the Indian cricketer did not understand English, as the premier had clearly expressed the fear of a war, and not advocated for war itself, at the UNGA.

“PM Imran khan DID talk about peace in his speech.He talked about the reality and the horror that will surly occur when the curfew is lifted and sadly there’s gonna be a bloodbath.He clearly states that it’s not a threat but a fear. Don’t you understand English?” Malik asked Singh.

Singh proceeded to single out the spelling mistake Malik had made in her tweet, and took a jibe at the actress, who is also famous in India, asking her to proof-read her tweets before sending them out.

“What do u mean by surly? Oh is it surely ?? lo ji dekho yeh Angreji Inki.. chill pill next time try and read before u put something in English,” Singh wrote in his post.

Singh appeared to have had the final word, but Malik was not one of those who backed out of a Twitter spat. She responded in fine manner a few hours later.

Malik posted screenshots of Singh making the exact same spelling mistake that she had made, and advised the Indian cricketer not to give her lessons on the English language.

She also asked Singh to enjoy the tweet with a cup of tea, apparently a reference to the Indian pilot who was captured after Pakistan Air Force hit his plane, and who praised Pakistan for ‘fantastic’ tea in a viral video.

Twitter users are eagerly waiting for Singh to respond, but what comeback can he come up with?

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