Home / Dallas News / House votes to formalize Trump impeachment inquiry, amid sharp partisan divisions

House votes to formalize Trump impeachment inquiry, amid sharp partisan divisions

WASHINGTON — The rancorous impeachment inquiry moved to a new phase Thursday, as the Democrat-run House voted 232-196 formalize the process with a package of rules that will govern open hearings on President Donald Trump’s alleged misdeeds.

The historic vote split almost completely along partisan lines, with only two Democrats — from New Jersey and Minnesota — bucking their party. All the Texas Democrats in the House voted for the resolution, while all Texas Republicans voted against it.

Republicans have complained for five weeks that Democrats have deprived Trump of transparency and due process by taking testimony in secret, and for more than two years that Democrats have been seeking a pretext for impeachment.

Democrats insisted they have now addressed the procedural complaints, and that Trump’s own conduct — leaning on Ukraine to open a baseless corruption inquiry aimed at hobbling Joe Biden, the Democratic front-runner for president in 2020 — gave them no choice.

“This is a solemn occasion,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. “I doubt anybody … comes to Congress to impeach the president of the United States — unless his actions are jeopardizing our honoring our oath of office.”

“I don’t know why the Republicans are afraid of the truth,” she said. “That is what this vote really is about … What is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.”

But Republicans thundered that Democrats were trampling Trump’s rights and running roughshod over democracy. Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., the minority whip, dramatized the complaints by unveiling on the House floor a poster that read: “37 Days of Soviet-style impeachment proceedings,” with a hammer and sickle over an image of St. Basil’s, the onion domed cathedral near the Kremlin.

“Instead of overturning an entire election with a partisan weapon, we should allow the American people to vote,” argued Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin.

The roll call began at 9:54 a.m. and by then, at least half the members of the House were already on the floor, reflecting the high stakes and rarity of the occasion.

“The balance of power is at risk,” Green said off the floor. “It’s the right thing to do. It will clearly move us forward toward a vote on impeachment.”

Democrats rejected the complaints, noting that Republicans have yet to mount a substantive defense of Trump’s effort to pressure Ukraine by freezing nearly $400 million in military aid needed to deter Russian aggression, and using other pressure points to push his own political interests.

“Process process process — and not one of them wants talk about the president’s conduct,” said Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., the Rules Committee chairman, who led the floor debate ahead of the vote.

Later, when McGovern took issue with GOP allegations that impeachment would consume the House and freeze progress on any other issue, Republican lawmakers issued sarcastic bursts of “ha! ha! ha!” from their side of the floor.

“Every American can see this for what it is: an attempt to remove a duly-elected president for strictly political reasons by a strictly partisan, illegitimate process,” Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said after the vote.

Parscale called the process “a sham from the beginning. … We can all read the transcript of the Ukraine phone call for ourselves and see that there was no quid pro quo and no basis at all for overturning the legitimate results of the 2016 election.”

Democrats view the contents of the July 25 call differently.

They and a growing parade of witnesses see clear abuse of power in Trump’s effort to prod Ukraine to open — and publicly announce — a corruption probe that would obviously advance his political agenda but serve no apparent national interest.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the National Security Council’s point man on Ukraine, testified to House investigators earlier this week that he was so alarmed by Trump’s comments on the call, which he and other White House officials listened in on as a part of their ordinary duties, that he felt obliged to report his concerns to superiors.

The White House lashed out at Democrats.

White House statement Oct. 31, 2019, after House impeachment procedures votes.
White House statement Oct. 31, 2019, after House impeachment procedures votes.(screen shot / Screen shot)

“The President has done nothing wrong, and the Democrats know it,” White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement. “Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats’ unhinged obsession with this illegitimate impeachment proceeding does not hurt President Trump; it hurts the American people.”

“The Democrats want to render a verdict without giving the Administration a chance to mount a defense. That is unfair, unconstitutional, and fundamentally un-American,” she asserted.

This image from video made available by House TV on Oct. 31, 2019, shows the floor of the U.S. House and the vote count to approve rules for its impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.
This image from video made available by House TV on Oct. 31, 2019, shows the floor of the U.S. House and the vote count to approve rules for its impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. (Uncredited)
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used her gavel as the House voted 232-196 to approve procedures to move forward into the next phase of the impeachment inquiry into President Trump on Oct. 31, 2019. The resolution establishes the format for open hearings, giving the Judiciary Committee the final recommendation on impeachment, and allowing Trump and his lawyers to attend events and question witnesses.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used her gavel as the House voted 232-196 to approve procedures to move forward into the next phase of the impeachment inquiry into President Trump on Oct. 31, 2019. The resolution establishes the format for open hearings, giving the Judiciary Committee the final recommendation on impeachment, and allowing Trump and his lawyers to attend events and question witnesses.(Andrew Harnik)

The rules Democrats proposed for the forthcoming impeachment hearings did little to quell complaints that the process is already tainted and stacked, a partisan exercise with only one possible outcome.

The idea that “we’re going to impeach the ‘expletive deleted’ … is now the majority’s flagship initiative,” asserted Rep. Brian Babin, R-Friendswood, who tried unsuccessfully to require House members to stand individually and declare their votes, rather than using the electronic tally system as usual. “My view? Our president was doing his job ensuring that if taxpayer dollars from my constituents and yours was going to the other side of the world that it would be paired with a commitment to crack down on corruption at all levels, no matter who someone’s daddy is or what their political ambitions are.”

“I think we all know that this was inevitable. From the moment Donald J. Trump was elected the ends of harassment and impeachment have just been waiting for the means. And they think that they found them. They’re wrong,” he said.

For months, Pelosi resisted demands by many House Democrats to investigate Trump with an eye toward impeachment.

She set such reservations aside after revelations of a July 25 call in which he pressured Ukraine’s new president to publicly launch a corruption probe aimed at Biden.

Republicans asserted that voters will punish Democrats in the 2020 elections, making lawmakers such as Texas freshmen Reps. Colin Allred of Dallas and Lizzie Fletcher of Houston vulnerable.

“Lizzie Fletcher and Colin Allred are nothing more than socialist hacks who came to Congress to impeach the president” and their “failure to put their hatred of President Trump aside to get things done for Texans will result in their defeat next November,” said Bob Salera, spokesman for the House GOP campaign arm, the National Republican Congressional Committee.

Said Fletcher, “I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States … It is the responsibility of Congress to investigate the matters of the president’s conduct with the seriousness and fairness they require.”

The procedural complaints were myriad.

Republicans object that the president won’t have the right to have a lawyer present at future depositions, though he would be allowed representation at hearings.

They complained that the Democrats’ plan would allow aides from each side to question witnesses but not members of the committee, other than the chairman and senior Republican.

They complained that the rules don’t grant them equal subpoena power, as the House minority parties enjoyed during the impeachment inquiries of Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. Republicans will need the OK of Intelligence Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who will lead the inquiry.

“This resolution today only makes it worse,” said Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., the minority leader. “Democrats are trying to impeach the president because they are afraid they cannot defeat him at the ballot box.”

“This is not what Democrats promised when they entered into the majority 11 months ago,” he said.

“Above all, Americans believe in fairness and when accused, the right to due process,” said Rep. Kevin Brady of The Woodlands, another senior GOP lawmaker. “This sham impeachment offers neither. It’s secret. It’s partisan. … There is simply no cause for this impeachment inquiry — none — and it’s shameful to create a constitutional crisis for purely partisan reasons.”

Schiff defended the inquiry: “Despite attempts to obstruct, we have interviewed numerous witnesses. We have provided important testimony about the efforts to secure political favors from Ukraine.”

Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-San Antonio, said after the vote that the evidence that has surfaced so far shows that Trump “abused his office and should be held accountable.”

On Wednesday, Texas Sen. John Cornyn was among the Republicans dismissing the House procedural vote as too little, too late. “This is more of a fig leaf than anything else,” he said.

On the House floor, an unusually large number of seats were filled throughout a heated debate, with emotions still high as lawmakers stuck around for debate on federal land in Colorado.

Republicans projected outrage, Democrats determination.

“When the president endangers our national security, he gives us no choice,” said Rep. Norma Torres, D-Calif. Said Rep. Mark DeSaulnier, D-Calif., “This is an unprecedented cover-up.”

Republicans took a sharply different view, accusing Democrats of covering up their own illegitimate agenda.

“They’ve wanted to impeach President Trump since he took office,” Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Terrell, said.

Roughly a quarter of all House members have had access to the depositions taken so far in a secure hearing room used by the intelligence committee. Still, Republicans pressed complaints that the process has been tainted by secrecy.

“They have delegitimized their entire inquiry. So, to come back now is almost insulting. It’s laughable,” said Rep. Ron Wright, R-Arlington. “There’s a lot of things that have been said that I wish weren’t said, but they didn’t violate the law. They aren’t impeachable.”

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