Home / Entertainment / Meghan Markle helped Prince Harry open up about Diana’s death: report

Meghan Markle helped Prince Harry open up about Diana’s death: report

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are one of the very few royals who candidly open up about their issues regarding the media coverage, scrutiny and backlash that they faced.

Prince Harry has been in the public eye since his birth but had never been much of a vocal personality. However ever since his marriage with Meghan Markle and the recent birth of his son, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, the prince seemed adamant to protect his newly established family.

All the recent media coverage and Prince Harry’s decision to open up about his pain of losing mother seems to have been brought on as a result of his wife Meghan Markle.

Reports back up this claim as Prince Harry was quoted during a podcast appearance at Mad World, in 2017.

This was his very first media appearance where he opened up and candidly answered questions regarding his mother’s death.

During a recent interview with The Telegraph , journalist Bryony Gordon revealed that Meghan played a crucial role in convincing her husband to appear in the podcast. She said: “It was Meghan who encouraged her then boyfriend to do the podcast about his mental health with me.”

Earlier in an interview featured in the documentary, Harry & Meghan: An African Journey, when Prince Harry was asked whether he had felt at ‘peace’ with his mother’s passing he admitted that the situation and grief was ‘a wound that festers’.

“I think being part of this family, in this role and in this job, every single time I see a camera, every single time I hear a click, every single time I see a flash – it takes me back. So in that respect, it’s the worst reminder of her life as opposed to the best,” he had said.

Back in the day, Harry revealed that he had also sought help during his early twenties to help cope with the death of his mother, In Gordon’s peace, she revealed that Prince Harry was just as nervous as her. She stated, “Like a small child who doesn’t understand that the spider is just as scared of them as they are of it, I simply hadn’t entertained the notion that the fifth (now sixth) in line to the throne might be experiencing some pre-interview jitters too.”

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