Home / Pakistan / PM himself allowed someone to travel abroad, says Justice Khosa

PM himself allowed someone to travel abroad, says Justice Khosa

ISLAMABAD: The prime minister should remember that he himself allowed ‘someone’ to go abroad, said Chief Justice Khosa on Wednesday.

“The case about which the prime minister taunted us about is the same one in which he allowed someone to go abroad,” he said.

The CJP said that the prime minister should refrain from issuing such statements as he is the chief executive of the government. Justice Khosa said that they have been working without resources, adding that those criticising the courts should be careful.

Justice Khosa praised judges for their dedication and commitment.

“One female judge of a model court postponed her wedding as she wanted to conclude proceedings of a case,” he said. “When I witnessed the dedication and commitment of these judges,  I couldn’t help but shed tears,” he added.

Justice Khosa said that technology would help dispense speedy justice to people. He said that Pakistani courts had the facilities that were in courts around the world.

“Whatever we don’t have, we will strive to get,” he said.

He said that now with the availability of a call center, people can inquire regarding the updates of their case with just a phone call.

To facilitate complainants and lawyers, we introduced the video link system,” he said. “All four registries are linked with the principal seat via video link.”

Justice Khosa said that as of now, five courts in the Supreme Court were connected to other registries via video link.

“Lawyers can present their point of view via video link through the Peshawar, Quetta, Karachi and Lahore registries.”

The chief justice said that no human being or institution was perfect. He said that the judiciary was working with dedication hence encouragement would yield positive results.

“A silent revolution has taken place in our judiciary,” he said.

A (former) chief of army staff’s case is about to be decided soon: Justice Khosa

Justice Khosa said that 2009 was the year after which the judiciary changed and started making decisions in line with the law.

“We are given examples of the past. Do not compare us to the judiciary before 2009. After 2009, the judiciary is different and independent. Some say the judiciary operates fearlessly while others are of the view that the judiciary is completely independent. That is not the case–we are only bound by the law,” he said.

“For us, no one is either big or small or powerful. We convicted one prime minister and disqualified another. A (former) chief of army staff’s case is about to be decided soon. Are these examples not in front of you? For us, only the law is powerful,” he said.

The CJP said that the courts are now in the process of giving a verdict in relation to the case of a former army chief.

The top judge lamented that the judiciary is working without proper resources and only above 300 judges gave verdicts in hundred thousands of cases last year. “If one high-profile case gets highlighted by media then it does not mean the 3.6 million cases by a mere 3,100 judges should lay forgotten.”

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