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PM’s remarks on Nawaz health inappropriate: Siraj

LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami emir Sirajul Haq has declared prime minister’s remarks about the health of Nawaz Sharif as inappropriate, saying the comments raise questions on mental health of Imran Khan.

Addressing JI Youth Leadership Convention at Mansoora here on Sunday, he said it was the official medical board which declared Nawaz’s condition in danger and later the government itself allowed the former prime minister to go abroad for the treatment.

“So, if Prime Minister Khan was kept in the dark about the health of Mr Sharif and was not properly informed about the real picture, it strengthened the belief that the country’s chief executive has no control over his own team and affairs of the government.”

Senator Haq said the prime minister was only issuing non-serious statements to divert the attention of the masses from the real issue. In fact, he said, the government was badly exposed in the last 15 months due to its zero performance in every field.

On one side, he said, it handed over the country to IMF and on the other it betrayed the people of Held Kashmir. The performance of the rulers, he said, also became a matter of embarrassment for those who backed them to come to the power.

The JI chief said the IMF dictated economic policies had hit the poor and middle class and benefited the elite and affluent class. He said thousands of educated youth had lost their jobs since July 2018 and millions were desperately looking for employment opportunities.

Saying the JI was the only hope of the young generation, he asked the participants to prepare for elections claiming the real change would soon come to the country in the form of the Jamaat-e-Islami.

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