Home / Dallas News / Arlington congressman: Democrats’ ‘socialist’ policies would have stifled creation of his cancer drug

Arlington congressman: Democrats’ ‘socialist’ policies would have stifled creation of his cancer drug

WASHINGTON — Sixteen months after he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and given a 16-month prognosis, U.S. Rep. Ron Wright, R-Arlington, is still alive.

On Thursday he spoke on the House floor, crediting innovation in the medical field — something he says Democrats in Congress are trying to stifle.

“If these socialist policies had been implemented earlier, I probably would not be here today,” Wright said. “For too many in this chamber, this has become part of their political agenda. But for me and millions of Americans, this is a matter of life or death.”

His comments came during a debate on a Democratic bill to address rising prescription drug costs. Wright said it would stifle private sector innovation in medicine and would have prevented the discovery of the drug that has helped him battle his cancer.

Wright, 66, announced his diagnosis of small-cell lung cancer in July. He is running for a second term.

“By the grace of almighty God and American biotech ingenuity, I’m still here and I will get to enjoy another Christmas with my family,” Wright said to a standing ovation from Democrats and Republicans in the chamber, before labeling their bill “socialist.”

Democrats, who introduced the bill in September, say it would reduce prescription drug costs by allowing the federal government to negotiate the cost of the 250 most expensive drugs on the market that have fewer than two competitors. The negotiated prices would be available to the public.

Republicans disagree with this approach. They point to an analysis from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office that found it would decrease the development of new drugs, as drug makers’ revenues would drop by as much as $1 trillion over 10 years.

“Many cures are on the horizon,” Wright said. “We cannot stop, we cannot slow down, we cannot stifle research and the development of new cures with onerous government control. Too many lives hang in the balance.”

The House approved the bill on a largely party line 230-192 vote, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said he will block it from reaching the floor in his chamber.

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