Home / Entertainment / Brad Pitt, Ed Norton were completely wasted during ‘Fight Club’ premiere

Brad Pitt, Ed Norton were completely wasted during ‘Fight Club’ premiere

Hollywood’s leading star Brad Pitt is known for his role in the iconic film Fight Club.

The revelation was made recently by the 57-year-old Ad Astra actor as he appeared on Marc Maron’s WTF Podcast.

Recalling the premiere at the Venice Film Festival when he along with his costar Ed Norton broke into fits of laughter during the screening, Pitt said: “It was the Venice Film Festival and it was a midnight screening.”

“For some reason we thought it would be a good idea to smoke a joint before. They put you up in a balcony next to the festival head, it’s very formal. The movie starts. First joke comes up, and it’s crickets. It’s dead silence,” he added.

“Another joke, and it’s just dead silent. You know it’s in subtitles, and this thing is just not translating at all. The more it happened, the funnier it got to Edward and I. So we just start laughing. We’re the [expletive] in the back laughing at our own jokes. The only ones laughing,” he continued.

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