Home / Entertainment / Prince Harry, Meghan Markle’s special coverage to be aired on Fox

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle’s special coverage to be aired on Fox

Primetime television seems to have hopped the #Megxit bandwagon with steps to air a TMZ special, featuring the inside scoop into the furry details behind the couple’s decision to split form the royal family.

The special will be over an hour long and will be dubbed Harry and Meghan: The Royals in Crisis, airing at 8 p.m, on January 29, three weeks after the couple’s initial announcement.

The decision that the young couple undertook created a frenzy of media coverage within the UK, waves upon waves of criticism flooded the British tabloids over the way they portrayed the couple.

Markle even sued The Mail on Sunday last year over unlawfully publishing her personal letter for her father. Even the prince chimed in, in defense of his wife and bashed the unfair portrayal she was garnering.

The Fox special will offer viewers an inside look into the circumstances which led to the couple’s decision. It will also include interviews from more than a dozen people who have “real ties” to the royal family.

The special aims to focus on the “quiet moves of Harry and Meghan to enter the world of entertainment,” as per the description by Fox.

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