Home / Entertainment / Marvel fans demand Brie Larson’s removal as Captain Marvel from MCU

Marvel fans demand Brie Larson’s removal as Captain Marvel from MCU

As Marvel buffs celebrate the confirmation of Captain Marvel being on the go, not everyone is ecstatic over the development.

A widely-circulating petition on Care2Petition recently caught the attention as it demanded the removal of the Room actor from the franchise and urged for a woman of colour to take the lead instead.

The petition titled “Demand Captain Marvel is Played By a Woman of Color, Not Brie Larson!”, explained its cause with a description reading: “We need Brie Larson to step down from her role to prove she is an ally of social justice and ensure a gay woman of color plays the role.”

“Let Monica, the original female & BLACK Captain Marvel instead of white-washing characters for the benefit of the straight, white men running Disney,” it further read.

Apart from that, the petition also claims that the actor has not donated to any charities other than The Motion Picture and Television Fund Foundation.

The petition, currently standing with 27,000 signatures, is nearing its goal of 30,000.

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