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Nation ready to deal with coronavirus: Murtaza Wahab

KARACHI: Sindh government spokesperson Murtaza Wahab said Friday there was no new case of coronavirus during the day and that the nation was ready to deal with the epidemic.

Addressing a press conference in the Sindh Assembly, Wahab said he wished to provide an update on the progress regarding coronavirus. “There has been no increase in the number of coronavirus patients. The [Karachi] patient’s family is safe and has been sent home,” he added.

Wahab explained that January to-date, some 1,419 people went to Iran from Sindh; 952 of those have returned and 650 traced. “Most of the people have been tested and their results were negative,” the spokesperson noted.

He added that healthy people did not need to wear face masks and appealed to everyone not to spread fear and panic. Only those who were affected by coronavirus should wear masks but others should not.

“Profiteers attempted to bump up the prices of face masks,” Wahab told the press conference, adding that action against mask hoarders was underway.

On closure of educational institutes, he said all schools would reopen on Monday and that the decision to shut them down had been taken as a preventive measure.

“Positive progress is expected in 36 hours,” he added. “The federal government and all the provinces are together. We are ready to deal with this epidemic.

“This is the time to work together. We are all together to deal with this issue,” he added.

Coronavirus a ‘global emergency’
Wahab further reiterated that the dissemination of any patient’s information was unwise and unethical. “Personal documents of any patient should not be shared with the media,” he said, adding that there was a meeting scheduled in this regard via video link later today.

On the other hand, Indus Health Network CEO Dr Abdul Bari Khan underlined that surgical masks should only be worn by those who were visiting coronavirus patients.

If someone from a family seems to be affected, an attendant should accompany them, he added. “This is a global emergency and fear should not be spread over this” matter.

“Panic over face masks was created and N-95 masks were deemed necessary [for everyone to wear. However,] N-95 masks are only necessary for the doctors who treat coronavirus patients.

“It is also necessary to test anyone arriving from China, Iran, Korea, and various other countries,” Dr Bari added.

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