Home / Dallas News / Centrist Democrats rally around Joe Biden. What took them so long?

Centrist Democrats rally around Joe Biden. What took them so long?

After nearly a year of campaigning in a field of more than two dozen candidates, centrist Democrats have finally figured out that Joe Biden is their best chance to stop the threat facing the party.

That threat—for now—is not President Donald Trump. It’s Bernie Sanders, the insurgent Independent from Vermont who’s the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination for president. Many Democrats contend the self-described Democratic socialist would be routed by Trump in the general election and create a catastrophe for down-ballot candidates.

On Tuesday Biden was getting endorsements like warm cookies coming out of an oven. One-by-one, all over the country, moderates offered their support. The big ones came Tuesday night Dallas, where former rivals, including former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Minnesota, Sen. Amy Klobuchar and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of El Paso issued formal endorsements at one of the most historically significant rallies ever held in Dallas.

O’Rourke told the crowd at Gilley’s honky-tonk that Biden is the “antithesis of Donald Trump” and planned to vote for him Tuesday in El Paso.

Question is, what took them so long?

It should have been clear from the beginning that Biden was the strongest moderate in the field. No other candidate had his standing with black voters, as evidenced by the shellacking he gave Sanders in South Carolina. That so many candidates thought that they could be the party’s standard bearer turned into an exercise in folly and helped propel Sanders to frontrunner status.

Biden’s losses in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada were predicted long before they happened, and Democrats should have known a South Carolina win would have reset the race. Buttigieg’s Iowa victory turned out to be fool’s gold.

O’Rourke, the former congressman from El Paso, recognized early that he wouldn’t be a factor in the presidential race but he waited until Tuesday to back Biden. His support would have been more effective if he had given it before the Texas early vote period began two weeks ago.

Biden is hoping for a strong election day turnout, but over 1 million voters have already cast ballots. Those votes occurred before Biden won South Carolina.

Democrats have never been a party known for its discipline, but that’s what was needed in this already wild and unpredictable process.

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