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Acute shortage of ventilators feared in Punjab

LAHORE: Following global shortage of ventilators needed for the management of Covid-19 critical patients, Punjab is apprehending an acute shortage of this life-saving equipment vis-a-vis requirement of the most populated province in the coming days in view of upward trend in the confirmed virus cases.

The Punjab government is faced with an alarming situation because of a world-wide ban imposed on the export of ventilators, except China, in the wake of the onslaught of coronavirus.

The situation has become particularly perplexing for the local distributors as multinational firms manufacturing and supplying ventilators have increased prices of the equipment by 80-90 percent after they were directed by their respective states to first fulfill the local requirement and then go for export.

Exorbitant increase witnessed in prices of the life-saving equipment

Owner of a local supplier firm told Dawn on Saturday that in Pakistan the ventilators and the accessories were largely imported from USA and Germany.

“The multinational companies have made 80pc to 90pc increase in the prices of the ventilators, putting the local distributors in immense trouble”, he said.

He said the US-based ventilator manufacturers were also contacting Chinese firms for procuring the equipment to meet the manifold increase in the demand worldover in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic.

“Before the virus outbreak, we had been purchasing portable ventilators at the international price of $600 (per piece) that now has jumped to $1000”, he said.

He said the ventilators, which are used to blow oxygen into a patient’s lungs, are an essential equipment for the treatment of severe cases of Covid-19. In such cases, lung inflammation can develop into viral pneumonia, requiring breathing support.

A senior government official said that as per a recent study conducted by the health authorities there were total 1,184 functional ventilators available in the public sector teaching and district hospitals of the province. Of these, 430 were in working condition in the teaching hospitals of Lahore, while 755 were in the hospitals of other cities of Punjab, he added.

Similarly, he said, out of the total 425 ventilators in private sector, 116 were working in Lahore’s hospitals, while others in the rest of the province.

So far, over 500 suspected patients have been reported all over the province since the outbreak of coronavirus in China. Of them, 96 tested positive for the virus, while 119 others are under treatment.

As the number of confirmed cases continues to increase with every passing day, the Punjab will badly need ventilators in sufficient quantity for the management of critical virus patients. The issue of ventilators’ possible shortage has become more serious after return of more pilgrims from Iran in south Punjab on Friday.

As the pilgrims returning from Iran are more vulnerable to coronavirus, the health experts are apprehending a surge in the confirmed cases in the coming days.

“Taking into account the prevailing situation, we have sent a request to the federal government for the provision of ventilators to meet any emergent situation regarding coronavirus”, Punjab health secretary Nabeel Awan told Dawn.

He said the health department had also initiated separate process for the purchase of 200 more ventilators in Punjab.

“Currently, we have 1,185 ventilators in working condition in the state-run hospitals all over the province”, he confirmed to this reporter, adding that efforts were also underway to meet the potential requirement for other items, including surgical and medical equipment, for the management of coronavirus patients.

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