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Sindh govt lifts curbs on congregational prayers

KARACHI: As prominent clerics recently announced resumption of five-time congregational prayers at mosques across the country, the Sindh government on Wednesday allowed Jumatul Wida and Eid prayers across the province but made it clear that all these exercises would be held in accordance with the guidelines issued by the federal government, stressing social distancing.

Key members of the Sindh cabinet made the announcement at a press conference at the Sindh Assembly auditorium where they also vowed to meet ulema from all schools of thought for consultation so the successful implementation of the guidelines during the prayers could be ensured.

“We believe both [prayers and social distancing under the guidelines during the prayers] are necessary,” Sindh Information and Local Bodies Minister Syed Nasir Hussain Shah said while replying to a query. “Being Muslims, we cannot quit praying and firmly believe that our prayers are heard. And at the same time, we want to save people’s lives while keeping them safe from the virus. That’s why we recommend prayers with all due guidelines. Eid prayers should be held at open places and parks. At those places, where a large number of people are expected, two congregations of Eid prayers can be arranged with gaps of a few minutes.”

Flanked by Education Minister Saeed Ghani and Adviser to the Chief Minister on Climate Change and Coastal Development Barrister Murtaza Wahab, Mr Shah also appealed to religious leaders to cooperate with the government for successful implementation of the guidelines.

“People should pray for Pakistan so that the country gets rid of the coronavirus pandemic,” he said. “It’s quite unfortunate that the country is facing one of the greatest challenges of its history and some of our friends are talking about imposing governor’s rule in Sindh. But let me tell them that their wish would never be fulfilled.”

Referring to the Tiger Force, he said it was true that there was an objection to its name, but the Sindh government had extended all due cooperation and support to the volunteers of the force and even the chief secretary had also written a letter to the deputy commissioners of all the districts in that regard.

The information minister said that Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) decisions were based on malice, but the ruling party in the centre should not politicise the serious issue of the coronavirus.

“Some people are in fact jealous of it after seeing the Sindh government leading from the front when it comes to keeping people safe from the virus. The people who are opposing the lockdown today were in fact advocating for it a few weeks ago,” said Mr Shah.

Answering a question, Mr Ghani said that when all the markets and shopping malls had been opened, any curb on Eid prayers was not justified.

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