Home / Entertainment / J.K. Rowling makes ‘bummed out’ Pakistani kid’s day by heaping praises on her drawing

J.K. Rowling makes ‘bummed out’ Pakistani kid’s day by heaping praises on her drawing

J.K. Rowling, one of the most acclaimed writers around the world, cheered up 10-year-old Leila from Pakistan by heaping praises on her drawing which was inspired by her new book titled, The Ickabog.

The vibrant drawing by ‘bummed-out’ Leila was brought under the Harry Potter writer’s notice by her mother with the help of her friend.

The two took to Twitter with Leila’s art after the 10-year-old was upset to find out Rowling had launched a competition for kids to help her illustrate her new book but Pakistani kids had not been eligible to participate.


So last night, a close friend messaged me asking to RT her tweet where she’s posted an illustration her 10yr old made for a competition for J K Rowling’s new book . It’s a competition but Pakistan doesn’t qualify for it. She asked me to tag JKR.

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The mother’s friend, Khizra turned to her Twitter to retweet her niece’s drawing, saying: “Just because Pakistani kids don’t qualify for #TheIckabog competition, doesn’t mean niece Leila was going to miss being a part of the experience. Hope @jk_rowling likes this version of the Dovetails’ house, because that would be just as awesome as having the drawing chosen.”

Leila’s frown soon turned upside down as Rowling not only noticed the drawing but also heaped praises on the little artist and her skills.

“I LOVE this beautiful picture of the Dovetails’ house, Leila! You’ve put so much of the story into the illustration: it’s clearly a carpenter’s house, with all those wooden accents, and I love the garden and flowers (but the sign to the graveyard adds a sad note),” tweeted the author.

J.K. Rowling


I LOVE this beautiful picture of the Dovetails’ house, Leila! You’ve put so much of the story into the illustration: it’s clearly a carpenter’s house, with all those wooden accents, and I love the garden and flowers (but the sign to the graveyard adds a sad note 💔) https://twitter.com/KhizM/status/1268264642679320582 


Just because Pakistani kids don’t qualify for #TheIckabog competition, doesn’t mean niece Leila was going to miss being a part of the experience. Hope @jk_rowling likes this version of the Dovetails’ house, because that would be just as awesome as having the drawing chosen ❤️ https://twitter.com/jam_musings/status/1268088906785964032 

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