Home / Entertainment / Meghan Markle, Prince Harry ‘quietly’ lending support to Black Lives Matter

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry ‘quietly’ lending support to Black Lives Matter

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s new chapter in Los Angeles has largely remained strictly private. However, despite that, the two are doing all they can for the Black community during this crisis.

According to Harper’s Bazaar, after the Duchess of Sussex’s speech on the death of George Floyd, the royal pair has been doing something quietly to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

As per a source cited by the outlet, the countless lives that have fallen prey to racial injustice is “something that is incredibly personal to Meghan, especially given everything she has experienced. And as a couple, it is, of course, very important. They are both feeling it, just like the rest of us.”

Omid Scobie, writing for Harper’s Bazaar, said the Sussex pair has been “quietly having meetings behind the scenes with people on all levels to make sure they are educated and connected to the issues of police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement.”

“Harry and Meghan have been having private conversations with community leaders and people at every level, as well as friends and family, about this issue since the start of recent events,” the insider told Scobie.

“By speaking to as many people and organizations as possible, it has been a way for them to feel connected to everything that’s going on and learn more about the issues surrounding it.”

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