Home / Entertainment / Lea Michele threatened to have Samantha Ware fired from ‘Glee’ in public

Lea Michele threatened to have Samantha Ware fired from ‘Glee’ in public

Lea Michele has been under fire ever since her former costars came forth leveling allegations of verbal abuse towards the star.

And the one who caused the chain reaction, Samantha Ware, has stepped ahead to detail the ‘trauma’ she experienced on the Glee sets owing to Michele’s threats and bullying.

Speaking to Variety, Ware said: “I knew from day one when I attempted to introduce myself.”

“There was nothing gradual about it. As soon as she decided that she didn’t like me, it was very evident. It was after I did my first performance, that’s when it started – the silent treatment, the stare-downs, the looks, the comments under her breath, the weird passive aggressiveness. It all built up.”

She went on to say that Michele at one point had even threatened to get Ware fired from the show in front of the entire cast. She, however, kept mum and did not file a complaint because she was not aware of that being an option.

“When you’re shooting a scene, sometimes the camera is on you and sometimes it’s not, but you still have to be in the scene. The camera wasn’t on us, so it’s not like we had to give a full throttle performance, but apparently, I was goofing around when the camera wasn’t on me, and she took that as me being disrespectful to her.”

“She waited until the scene was over and she stopped in the middle of the stage and did a ‘come here’ gesture, like how a mother does to their child,” she recalled.

“I said ‘no,’ and that’s when she decided to threaten my job, and said she would call Ryan Murphy in to come and fire me,” she added.

The social media upheaval began against Michele when Ware questioned the sincerity of her tweet in support of Black Lives Matter.

“Remember when you made my first television gig a living hell?!?! Cause I’ll never forget. I believe you told everyone that if you had the opportunity you would ‘[expletive] in my wig!’ amongst other traumatic microaggressions that made me question a career in Hollywood,” Ware had said in a tweet.

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