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Infighting caused harm to PTI, says Fawad

KARACHI: Infighting within the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s top leadership caused harm to the party’s reform agenda, admitted Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry on Monday.

In an interview with Voice of America, the minister said he got to spend a lot of time with Prime Minister Imran Khan in Nathiagali recently where they discussed matters related to the governance.

Referring to Imran Khan’s recent remarks in Karachi about the chief minister becoming a dictator, Mr Chaudhry said the prime minister’s ideas were very clear on matters such as the NFC Award and judicial and police reforms.

However, he pointed out, ideas alone were not enough to bring about change because the prime minister needed a team to implement them.

Admits government has not been able to implement reforms

“Frankly, bickering among Jehangir Tareen, Asad Umar and Shah Mehmood Qureshi has pushed the political class out of the game. The political vacuum created by the infighting was filled up with new people who were not from a political background,” he said.

“Imran’s core team fell apart. The new people are frankly not aligned with his idea and maybe don’t have the capacity to do so. The infighting has caused a lot of harm to the party, especially its political cadre,” he added.

Alluding to the government’s perceived failure, the minister said that when the internal team was weak, then one could not focus on external politics. And this was the reason that the PTI had not been able to implement its reforms agenda, he said.

“Look at the parliamentary leadership and the provincial leadership. Can you expect civilian supremacy from this leadership?” he asked.

“When Asad Umar was the finance minister, Jahangir Tareen made all the efforts to have him removed. When Asad Umar returned, he cut off Tareen. Though Shah Mehmood Qureshi met Tareen several times [for reconciliation], the infighting didn’t stop and bureaucrats took over,” the minister said.

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