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Meghan Markle, Prince Harry privately support campaign against Facebook advertising

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have come forth in support of  ‘Stop Hate For Profit’ campaign, as reported by Harper’s Bazaar. 

According to the organisation, all “businesses to stand in solidarity with our most deeply held American values of freedom, equality and justice and not advertise on Facebook’s services in July.”

The news of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex pledging support to the cause was confirmed by the duo’s spokesperson.

Additionally, a source close to the pair told the magazine, “As we’ve been developing Archewell, one of the areas The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been keen to address is online hate speech, and we’ve been working with civil rights and racial justice groups on it.”

Archwell is a non-profit organization the couple recently created. In April, they told The Telegraph they intend to “do something of meaning, to do something that matters” with their new venture.

“Over the past few weeks, in particular, this issue has become even more vital and they have been working to encourage global CEOs to stand in solidarity with a coalition of civil and racial justice groups like the NAACP, Color of Change, and the Anti-Defamation League, which are calling for structural changes to our online world,” Harper’s Bazaar cited the insider as saying.

“A common thread in these conversations was about how online platforms have created the conditions for hatred, bigotry, radicalism, and violence to grow and spread,” the source added.

Acknowledging the Duke and Duchess’s efforts, NAACP wrote in a statement, “We are grateful for the leadership of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in recognizing the importance of solidarity in this moment. Your commitment to truth, justice, and equality are appreciated.”

Rashad Robinson, President of The Color of Change, also issued a statement thanking Meghan and Harry for their support.

“I’ve appreciated the thoughtful conversations I’ve had with the Duke and Duchess. Even more, I appreciate that they are using their platform to reach out to key corporations and share the goals of the #StopHateForProfit campaign,” Rashad Robinson shared.

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