Home / Pakistan / PML-N sees change of Punjab IG as ‘failure’ of PTI governance

PML-N sees change of Punjab IG as ‘failure’ of PTI governance

LAHORE: The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) says changing the Punjab police inspector general will do no good unless Imran Khan is removed from the prime minister’s office as he has time and again proved that he is not worthy of it.

“Imran has literally buried the country’s economy, governance and all departments in the coffin of his incompetence. Incompetent and inept, the thieves of PTI have changed the fifth IG Punjab in two years. Until Imran is changed, no positive change can come for the country and the people,” PML-N Information Secretary Marrium Aurangzeb said in one of her tweets on Tuesday.

She alleged the country’s economy and the departments had been compromised for the Imran-led “mafia government”.

“The people and the bureaucracy do not trust Imran Khan and Chief Minister Usman Buzdar which is why they should resign and go home. The refusal of the Punjab IG to work with the chief minister is a telling proof of the failure of PM Khan’s governance. The IG’s statement is a slap on the face of ‘Saaf Chali Shaffaaf Chali PTI’”, she said in another tweet.

Ms Aurangzeb said Punjab (now former) IG Shoiab Dastgir’s statement that “there are issues of misconduct” was a matter of great concern. The statement simply meant that corruption, incompetence and nepotism were rampant, she added.

“The Punjab IG’s distrust of CM Buzdar is a manifestation of the destruction of governance of administration. This is a proof that the rulers are using institutions for politics. For the last two years, the PML-N has been warning and pointing out that there is interference in the institutions,” she said and added that rulers should at least have some respect for the office and responsibility assigned to them.

The PML-N says the Buzdar administration, despite repeated shake-ups in Punjab’s bureaucracy during its two-year rule, is still finding it difficult to deliver in the largest province.

In the last two years, the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf government changed four chief secretaries and five inspectors general of police, besides frequently reshuffling secretaries of different departments and divisional commissioners.

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