Home / Entertainment / Selena Gomez reveals she was ‘pressured’ to dress provacatively in music videos

Selena Gomez reveals she was ‘pressured’ to dress provacatively in music videos

Selena Gomez shocked everyone after sharing her ordeal of facing sexism in the music industry.

The 27-year-old singer stated in an interview with Allure that she felt pressured to dress provacatively and show her skin in albums.

“I just did things that weren’t really me. There was pressure to seem more adult on my album, Revival. [I felt] the need to show skin…I really don’t think I was [that] person,” she revealed.

She also went on to add that she does not search herself on Google, “I haven’t done that in years. I honestly can’t. I’m strong in a lot of ways, but I think I just have way too much of a sensitive heart.”

On being an entrepreneur and whether she considers herself anyone’s boss, the songstress added, “I would definitely like to say I’m an entrepreneur…. It’s more that I am in control. I am in full control of my life and everything that I do, what is out there, everything. So I would like to say, yes. I’m in charge of everything in my life.”

She also revealed her take on the paparazzi culture on her recent collaboration with makeup guru Nikkie de Jager.

“I’m not really a big fan. I think me, I think I’m like I got a special target on my head. People are assuming or expecting some huge thing for me,” she explained.

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