Home / Dallas News / Dallas activist group calls on DA to investigate scuffle at weekend rally for possible charges

Dallas activist group calls on DA to investigate scuffle at weekend rally for possible charges

A Dallas activist group says it plans to ask the Dallas County district attorney’s office to investigate for possible criminal charges an altercation that took place during a downtown rally on Saturday.

Dominique Alexander, president of Next Generation Action Network, said Wednesday that Dallas police unfairly singled him out for arrest after the scuffle at Saturday’s event, which was sponsored by the conservative, New York City-based WalkAway Campaign.

Both NGAN and WalkAway supporters posted video of the incident on social media, with each side accusing the other of instigating the violence. A Twitter post from WalkAway leader Brandon Straka was even shared by President Donald Trump.

Dallas police handcuffed  Next Generation Action Network leader Dominique Alexander after he was thrown to the ground by a man at Saturday's WalkAway Rescue America Rally at Main Street Garden Park in downtown Dallas.
Dallas police handcuffed Next Generation Action Network leader Dominique Alexander after he was thrown to the ground by a man at Saturday’s WalkAway Rescue America Rally at Main Street Garden Park in downtown Dallas.(Next Generation Action Network/Submitted)

“They immediately cuffed me, when people can see that I was clearly not the aggressor in this video,” Alexander said at an NGAN news conference held at Dallas police headquarters. “They were worried about how to charge Dominique Alexander, when I was clearly assaulted.”

Alexander said that in addition to being slammed to the ground by a security staffer, another man threatened him with a gun –– an accusation that Straka denies –– and sprayed bear spray at him and others in the crowd.

And while people on both sides were questioned by police, Alexander said that he was the only one handcuffed –– and then wrongly held on warrants for traffic tickets for which he says he has previously served time.

“These tickets have been in existence since 2015,” said Kim Cole, NGAN’s general counsel. “Minister Alexander has served time for these tickets at least three times since I’ve known him.”

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Dallas police had not responded to a request for comment Wednesday evening. No one representing the WalkAway Campaign could be reached for comment Wednesday, but supporters say video shows Alexander provoking security staff before violence broke out.

Straka, a former New York City hairstylist, became an online hero in conservative circles after posting a 2018 video explaining how he had “walked away” from the Democratic Party. The WalkAway hashtag became symbolic of a supposed greater movement of similar disavowals, but whether the claim has merit has been questioned.

Saturday’s incident took place as conservative author Shemeka Michelle was addressing the crowd of about 250 at Main Street Garden Park downtown and NGAN members counter-protested across the street, behind the stage.

When Michelle began directing her criticisms at NGAN, Alexander and others approached the stage, where they were confronted by event security.

Videos posted by both sides show Alexander getting close to a man in an American-flag shirt before another man, who appears to be working security for the WalkAway event, got between the two.

“Don’t put your hands on me,” Alexander shouts as the second, larger man moves him backward toward a flower bed. Video shows Alexander continuing to speak into a megaphone when the man hits him in the face and knocks him to the ground. The two scuffled as others from both sides joined in the skirmish.

Another video shows Alexander being handcuffed by Dallas police near the park. He asks repeatedly why he’s been put in handcuffs and at one point says, “Call Chief [U. Reneé] Hall” before being put into a squad car.

At Wednesday’s news conference, Alexander said that in addition to requesting the DA’s assistance, the group is asking the city’s Office of Community Police Oversight to look into the matter for inappropriate police behavior.

Attorney Alison Grinter accused Dallas police of allowing outsiders to threaten and attack Dallas citizens. “Heavily armed men from out of state came in here in order to sow dissent and hatred in our town,” she said. “Our police need to keep us safe and not take sides. We need policing that is based on public safety and fairness.
Attorney Alison Grinter accused Dallas police of allowing outsiders to threaten and attack Dallas citizens. “Heavily armed men from out of state came in here in order to sow dissent and hatred in our town,” she said. “Our police need to keep us safe and not take sides. We need policing that is based on public safety and fairness.(Juan Figueroa / Staff Photographer)

Group speakers also included attorney Alison Grinter, who accused police of allowing outsiders to threaten and attack Dallas citizens.

“Heavily armed men from out of state came in here in order to sow dissent and hatred in our town,” she said. “Our police need to keep us safe and not take sides. We need policing that is based on public safety and fairness.”

Cole, the general counsel, portrayed Alexander as an easy target for Dallas police, of whom he has been regularly critical.

“What happened should have never happened,” Cole said. “I get it –– Dominique Alexander is a thorn in DPD’s side and will continue to be. However, that does not mean that he should not be afforded due process. … I anticipate that once the DA actually watches the footage and sees that Dominique was not an aggressor but rather a victim, that these bogus charges will be dropped.”

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