Home / Entertainment / Queen Elizabeth’s sudden exit from Balmoral signals a surge in financial fears of the royals

Queen Elizabeth’s sudden exit from Balmoral signals a surge in financial fears of the royals

Queen Elizabeth II’s abrupt move from Balmoral Castle to Windsor may have indicated the pandemic affecting the plans but the there may be some additional aspects involved in the decision.

According a royal expert, Her Majesty may have decided to move to Windsor Castle over financial concerns that appear to be hovering over the royals at present.

The Queen, along with Prince Philip, will travel to Sandringham Estate next week and move from there to Windsor Castle in the coming days.

According to Lizzie Robinson, royal expert and ITV Royal Producer, the unexpected departure may have something to do with a financial crisis.

“We would usually see them stay at Balmoral until early October so this is an early departure for them. Balmoral is being opened to visitors, so they are clearing off and going to Sandringham and Wood Farm where Prince Philip has been spending a lot of time since he retired in 2017,” said Robinson.

Joining the conversation was ITV Royal Editor Chris Ship who said: “It means Balmoral Castle can finally start taking money again for visits.”

Robinson then added: “They are in urgent need of money actually.”

It was reported earlier this week, that a massive number of royal household staff could be sacked owing to the coronavirus pandemic.

If reports are to be believed, nearly 600 jobs have been put at risk by the pandemic while an £18million dent has also been created in the finances of the Queen.

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