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How many prime ministers served under Queen Elizabeth? Here’s the answer

Elizabeth II became the British Queen in   February 1952. She is the longest-reigning British monarch.

As many as 14 Prime Ministers served up Queen Elizabeth II since she ascended the throne at the age of 25.

Here’s the list of Prime Ministers who served under the Queen:

Sir Winston Churchill 1951-1955

Anthony Eden 1955-1957

Harold Macmillan

Alec Douglas 1963-1964

Harold Wilson 1964-1970

Edward Heath 1970-1974

Harold Wilson 1974-1976

James Callaghan 1976-1979

Margaret Thatcher 1979-1990

John Major 1990-1997

Tony Blair 1997-2007

Gordon Brown 2007-2010

David Cameron 2010-2016

Theresa May 2016-2019

Boris Johnson.

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