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US returns 12 military sites to South Korea

SEOUL: The US military agreed on Friday to return 12 sites to South Korea, including some in central Seoul, clearing the way for civilian construction projects after years of squabbling over the hand-back.

US forces have been stationed in South Korea since the 1950-53 Korean War. In recent years, the allies have disputed the cost of maintaining the 28,500 US personnel at various bases des­pite what many see as a gro­wing North Korean threat.

The 12 sites are among 80 that US Forces Korea (USFK) agreed in 2002 to hand over to South Korea for redevelopment but the plans have been delayed by haggling over clean-up costs. The two sides finalised the handover plan for the 12 sites on the condition that the discussion of clean-up costs continued, South Korean agencies said.

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