Home / Dallas News / DeSoto lawmaker Carl Sherman Sr. tests positive for COVID-19

DeSoto lawmaker Carl Sherman Sr. tests positive for COVID-19

AUSTIN — State Rep. Carl Sherman Sr. D-DeSoto, said Friday that he has tested positive for COVID-19.

“Today, I received a positive test result for COVID-19, and though I feel fine, I am adhering to the professional doctors’ guidance and will be under strict self-quarantine,” Sherman said on social media. “It is my prayer that no one other than myself contracted it.”

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Sherman, a second-term Democrat, said he remained in good spirits and would continue working for his constituents during his quarantine. He asked for prayers for his wife and others who he worried he may have spread the virus to.

“I want to remind you that this disease should not be taken lightly, and it is unpredictable in severity, so please continue to keep your guard up and your loved ones protected,” he said.

He reminded the public to wear face coverings, wash hands for 20 seconds, keep social distance and avoid large gatherings.

Sherman’s positive test result adds to the list of lawmakers who have contracted the virus. During the Legislature’s opening week earlier this month, two lawmakers forewent the opening ceremony because they were quarantining following a positive test.

Last Friday, Rep. Joe Deshotel, D-Beaumont, tested positive after working in the Capitol for three days. His positive test led other lawmakers, including Carrollton Democrat Michelle Beckley, to quarantine after being in his vicinity on the Texas House floor. The test result raised questions about how lawmakers could meet safely in the middle of a pandemic.

Lawmakers did not meet this week but are scheduled to return to the Capitol Tuesday.

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