Home / Dallas News / Abbott, GOP want to double Texas spending on border security with $1.77B in special session bill

Abbott, GOP want to double Texas spending on border security with $1.77B in special session bill

AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott and GOP leaders want to more than double their already amped-up spending on border security so Texas can put more boats in the Rio Grande, deploy 1,800 more National Guard soldiers there and prosecute and imprison immigrants arrested for misdemeanor offenses such as trespassing.

A $1.77 billion appropriations bill filed late Thursday by Friendswood GOP Rep. Greg Bonnen, the House’s chief budget writer, would give Abbott’s office slightly more than $1 billion for “the making of border security grants.”

It appears the grants largely would help pay for Abbott’s state border barrier, which he launched with $250 million of state funds in June. Bonnen’s House Bill 9 apparently would repay that money, taken from the prison system. In the spring, lawmakers approved $1.05 billion for border security over the next two years.

Though the huge increase in state spending on a border wall is obscured in HB 9, earlier planning documents obtained by showed that $750 million of the original package’s $1.5 billion would go for a “border barrier.”

It’s unclear whether that’s still the intent – or if even more than $750 million in grants eventually could help bankroll Abbott’s attempt to finish former President Donald Trump’s border wall.

Spokesmen for Abbott did not respond to queries about how much of the $1.02 billion in proposed funding of “border security grants” is likely to go to the barrier – a combination of fencing and more solid construction such as concrete walls.

The bill was filed seconds after the House, for the first time in 38 days of infighting over an elections bill, managed to achieve a quorum so it can conduct business. “Border security” was one of 17 items Abbott laid out for the summer’s second special session.

The request for a huge boost in border-related spending underscores Abbott and GOP state leaders’ alarm at rising numbers of unauthorized immigrants crossing the border. They’ve also been sharply critical of President Joe Biden, who has rolled back some of Trump’s immigration policies.

With erection of more wall and fence, deployment of thousands of state soldiers and cops, repurposing of a prison and hiring of interpreters, defense lawyers and prosecutors, Abbott’s dream of a state-induced halt to the flow of migrants would come closer to reality.

In early June, Abbott told Fox News personality Sean Hannity that, unlike former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer a decade ago, he’d found a “legal” way to do it. In 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down much of Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070, which up until then was the most far-reaching effort by any state to discourage illegal immigration.

“We’ve got a new game in town in the state of Texas,” said Abbott, a former judge and state attorney general. “Texas is going to start arresting everybody coming across the border – not just arresting them, but because this is now going to be aggravated trespass, they’re going to be spending half a year in jail, if not a year in jail.”

Weeks ago, according to documents obtained by The News, the new border-spending package included not just $750 million for Abbott’s border barrier but also $301 million for the National Guard and $163 million for the Department of Public Safety.

By comparison, the operation of the former Briscoe Unit prison in South Texas (ultimately, $24 million), jail improvements ($215,000 for the Jail Standards Commission) and ramping up of a court system for misdemeanor trespassing cases ($32.5 million for indigent defense and $3.8 million for prosecutors) were far smaller budget items. An original ask – for “local requests” related to detention – was $219 million. That’s apparently to be covered as part of the $1.02 billion of grant money Abbott’s office would get.

Using the state open records law, sought more details from all of the affected state agencies. On Wednesday, DPS wrote to Attorney General Ken Paxton asking that he uphold its denial of the newspaper’s request for documents summarizing its border funding requests in the current special legislative session, the second of the summer.

“The release and disclosure of the submitted records would reveal law enforcement techniques used to identify potential threats to public safety,” DPS assistant general counsel ML Calcote explained.

Request for overtime

But according to documents obtained by The News, DPS’ main request was for overtime, for its role in Operation Lone Star, which Abbott announced in May.

At a burn rate of nearly $1.7 million a week, DPS wanted $133.5 million to pay 52 weeks of overtime for the 1,000 personnel it’s devoting to Operation Lone Star, which also involves the Texas National Guard.

DPS’ initial request of $163 million also proposed an additional 79 “special operations group” troopers and support staff be deployed at the border. HB 9 would authorize their hiring and pay for their salaries and benefits.

In their final version of the bill, which Sen. Jane Nelson also is expected to file in the Senate next week, GOP legislative leaders also granted DPS’s request for $3.4 million to purchase four “tactical marine unit vessels,” 34-foot-long motorboats equipped with “ballistic panels.”

But they whittled DPS Director Steve McCraw’s ask to just under $155 million. Leaders did so mostly by denying McCraw’s plea for six new employees, software and tools to catch up with “tactics, techniques and procedures” of criminal organizations such as Mexican drug cartels that DPS says are intent on harming Texas localities and state agencies with cyberattacks.

Earlier spending

The proposed spending comes on top of lawmakers’ and Abbott’s approval last spring of $1.05 billion for border security in the two-year budget cycle that begins in less than two weeks. That money, a 32% boost over what was envisioned in GOP leaders’ “base budget” in January, was to go mostly for a ramp-up of DPS operations, including hiring 100 new troopers, and deployment of the Texas National Guard and purchase of new hardware.

For most of the past decade, Texas has been spending state taxpayers’ money to place state police, game wardens, alcoholic-beverage agents and state Guard soldiers at the border, even though Texas doesn’t have jurisdiction to enforce immigration laws because they are the sole responsibility of the federal government.

But the ramp up envisioned in HB 9 takes the “game,” as Abbott called it, to a new level.

Though a state-constructed border barrier wasn’t discussed in this year’s regular session, Abbott unveiled it June 16.

“The Biden administration has abandoned its responsibility to apply federal law to secure the border and to enforce the immigration laws,” he said.

Although Abbott called for private donations, the crowdsourcing effort through Wednesday raised only $1,252,883, according to Abbott’s website.

Abbott disclosed that he, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Speaker Dade Phelan, along with Bonnen and Nelson, the Flower Mound Republican who is chairwoman of the Senate Finance Committee, agreed to divert $250 million from the prison system’s budget as a “down payment.”

The Texas Facilities Commission has yet to hire a program manager. According to the Texas Tribune, the state Department of Transportation is poised to spend nearly $25 million to build a nearly 2-mile concrete barrier, together with some fencing, along the border in Eagle Pass.

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