Home / Houston News / New Orleans off-duty officer killed in Houston shooting identified as veteran homicide detective

New Orleans off-duty officer killed in Houston shooting identified as veteran homicide detective

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (KTRK) — The victim in Saturday’s fatal shooting at a Galleria-area restaurant has been identified as a veteran New Orleans detective who was part of a well-known social club visiting Houston.

RELATED: Off-duty officer killed in shooting at Galleria-area restaurant, suspects still on the run

Everett Briscoe, 41, was eating with a group at Grotto, an upscale restaurant in the 4700 block of Westheimer when two men approached with guns drawn. While the group complied with their demands, one of the suspects opened fire, hitting Briscoe and another person.

“He was just out there having fun with friends, getting some much-needed rest and relaxation,” New Orleans Police Superintendent Shaun Ferguson said Sunday. “He worked tirelessly.”

Briscoe was pronounced dead at the scene. The other victim was last listed in critical condition at a hospital.

“He was a great officer, a great detective, a great friend,” Ferguson said.

Briscoe was a member of the Zulu Social Aid & Pleasure Club, a New Orleans organization known for its elaborate Zulu parade each year during Mardi Gras. He was in Houston with other members of the group.
Briscoe is survived by his wife and two children.

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell also offered her condolences via Twitter Sunday afternoon.

In Houston, surveillance video from nearby businesses showed the two men who are believed to be the suspects. One was seen wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans. The other was wearing black pants, with a white hoodie.

They left the scene in a gray or silver Nissan Altima that had paper tags.

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