Home / Houston News / Concertgoer desperately tried to save 9-year-old’s life

Concertgoer desperately tried to save 9-year-old’s life

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — The family of a 9-year-old who was crushed by concertgoers during the AstroWorld Festival tragedy said Wednesday that the child is showing no brain activity.

Ezra Blount has been in a medically induced coma since arriving at Texas Children’s Hospital Friday night.

Two people who helped the child after he was pulled from the crowd spoke to about their experience and their search for news as he fights for his life.

“His little face has been engraved in my mind,” said Andy Rios, as he spoke to Eyewitness News reporter Stefania Okolie via FaceTime from Denver.

It was during the chaos and cries for help that Rios said he heard a scream he will never forget.

“I can’t get over! I can’t get over!” he said he heard. “I’ve got a kid!”

On the other side of a barrier, Rios said a security guard was holding Ezra. The man struggled to lift the child over the barrier, so he passed him off to Rios.

“I caught him, and the next thing you know, I turned around, and I just started running and screaming to tell people to get out of my way,” said Rios.

Rios said he struggled to run through the crowd of people, many of whom were panicked and weak.
“It was just kind of something that I was very unprepared for, and (in) my opinion, it was just the lack of having someone professional there at the moment,” Rios said.

Before reaching the medic tent, Rios said he knew Ezra needed urgent help.

“I was already exhausted, so I sat him down, started doing CPR.”

Another woman nearby said she was a nurse, according to Rios, and she was able to help due to his exhaustion.

Shortly after is when he says a medic came with a wheelchair and carried the child away.

He was brought to Texas Children’s hospital, where doctors found Ezra’s organs were damaged and he had severe swelling in his brain.

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