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Prince Andrew got in trouble for using taxpayer money on Princess Eugenie

Prince Andrew  civil sex lawsuit £12 million pay out has raised many eyebrows.

As the Britons are worried the Duke might use public money to settle the cash agreement, they are reminded of how Queen’s son also used the tax-payer money to fund daughter Eugenie’s security back in 2011.

Royal expert Richard Kay adds the issues fumed to an extent that Prine Charles has to intervene to stop Prince Andrew from overspending.

“It is thought the heir to the throne stepped in after the younger of his nieces racked up huge security costs as she travelled the world on her gap year,” reports Mirror.co.uk.

The publication adds: “A report published at the time suggested Eugenie spent more than £100,000 of taxpayers’ money as she explored India, America, Thailand and South Africa. She paid for hotels and travel herself, but the massive security bill, including overtime money, was funded by the taxpayer,”

Speaking on Channel 5 documentary Beatrice and Eugenie: Pampered Princesses?, royal expert Richard Kay said: “She was sort of flitting from country to country as most middle-class young people do who take gap years.

“But, of course, she was accompanied by police bodyguards.

“That meant that we the taxpayers were paying for policemen to accompany her to the fleshpots of the world.”

Charles intervention however was not liked by Andrew, who wrote a note to Queen demanding respect from the family.

Royal author Angela Levinson reveals: “Prince Charles decided that as they were not likely to be very senior royals, that this was too much for the public to pay, so he stopped that.

“Prince Andrew was so angry that he wrote a note to the Queen.

“He said he wanted them to be considered as proper royals. He did not want the protection officers to leave them.”

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