Home / Dallas News / Pence’s $10M ad blitz on energy and Russia builds profile, targets Dallas’ Allred and 15 other Dems

Pence’s $10M ad blitz on energy and Russia builds profile, targets Dallas’ Allred and 15 other Dems

WASHINGTON – Former Vice President Mike Pence unleashed a $10 million ad blitz Monday aimed at building his political brand ahead of 2024, targeting Dallas Rep. Colin Allred and 15 other Democrats with demands to expand U.S. energy production to counter the invasion of Ukraine.

The ad buy isn’t likely to cost Texas Democrats a congressional seat.

But it does mean exposure for Pence in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, the biggest markets in the biggest Republican state, as he continues to separate himself from former President Donald Trump and lays the groundwork for a presidential run.

The ad, titled “Horrific Decision,” urges the lawmakers to support energy policies that expand U.S. oil and gas production as a way to stand up to Russian strongman Vladimir Putin.

“In order to set the United States back on a path of energy independence, we need Congress to stand up to Putin and stand up for American Energy,” Pence says. “It’s time for President Biden to demonstrate American strength by restarting the Keystone Pipeline, restoring oil and natural gas leases, and issuing sanctions and imposing embargoes on all oil and gas exports from Russia.”

Pence has hit Biden for resisting a full embargo on Russian oil and gas. The White House is reportedly considering such an embargo, but has resisted because of the likely impact on prices for U.S. and European customers.

As for the Keystone Pipeline, which would bring oil from the Canadian tar sands, the White House points out that would take years to build and would make no impact during the current crisis. As to complaints about President Joe Biden halting drilling in the Alaskan wilderness and freezing new leases on federal land, the administration argues that energy companies already have plenty of existing leases they’re not using and could step up production whenever they deem it economically viable.

It’s the first ad from Advancing American Freedom, a policy and advocacy organization Pence created last April.

Pence recently urged Republicans to move on from the 2020 election and, escalating his break with former President Donald Trump, declared that “there is no room in this party for apologists for Putin.”

Four of the targets are Texas members of Congress: apart from Allred, Reps. Henry Cuellar of Laredo, Lizzy Fletcher of Houston and Vicente Gonzalez of McAllen.

Of the four, Cuellar is the only one facing an especially tough reelection bid.

Allred won by a slim 52-46 margin in 2020. But the GOP-controlled Legislature packed his district with more Democrats as it shored up neighboring Republican districts. The once-a-decade remap left him with a 2-1 edge and little to worry about as he seeks a third term.

Allred won his primary unopposed. In the fall, he’ll face the winner of a runoff between Wingstop founder Antonio Swad and Justin Webb, a Marine and Navy veteran.

Redistricting also padded the Democrats’ edge in Fletcher’s district, leaving her, too, with a 2-1 advantage. She eked out a 3-point win in 2020.

That was also Gonzalez’s victory margin in 2020 and after the remap, he jumped to a neighboring district where he sailed through the primary and where Democrats enjoy a comfortable 12-point edge.

As for Cuellar, Pence’s attack means he’s taking heat for being both overly cozy with the oil and gas industry — and insufficiently supportive.

The FBI raided Cuellar’s home and office in January.

He was forced into a runoff last week against immigration lawyer Jessica Cisneros, a darling of progressives such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

Cuellar’s rival has highlighted his financial support from the energy industry. Even if the message is contradictory, the Pence ad could help to soften up Cuellar for the May 24 runoff or the general election in the Laredo-to-San Antonio district.

The GOP side also has a runoff. That has drawn big money from Sen. Ted Cruz, among others who see Cuellar as vulnerable.

The ad will target 16 congressional Democrats:

  • Rep. Colin Allred (TX-32);
  • Rep. Cindy Axne (IA-03);
  • Rep. Jared Golden (ME-02);
  • Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX-28);
  • Rep. Kurt Schrader (OR-05);
  • Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07);
  • Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15);
  • Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06);
  • Rep. Susan Wild (PA-07);
  • Rep. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05);
  • Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-08);
  • Rep. Marcy Kaptur (OH-09);
  • Rep. Tom O’Halleran (AZ-02);
  • Rep. Elaine Luria (VA-02);
  • Rep. Sharice Davids (KS-03); and
  • Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez (NM-03).

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