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Media bodies demand PM Imran prove ‘anti-govt drive is funded’

ISLAMABAD: The Joint Action Committee (JAC) of the media has challenged the prime minister to prove his “scandalous allegations” that media houses have been bought by political parties and some are being funded by foreign sources.

Prime Minister Imran Khan made these allegations in his public address in Malakand on Sunday.

In a statement issued on Monday, the JAC said the PM’s statements amount to accusing the media of corruption. If these allegations cannot be proved “within a reasonable time”, the committee reserves the right to approach the judiciary for relief, it warned.

It requested PM Khan not to make such statements for “political point scoring”.

The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) sought an apology from PM Khan over the allegation that media houses were receiving funds for “anti-government campaigns”.

In a statement, PFUJ president Shahzada Zulfiqar and secretary general Nasir Zaidi expressed outrage over the “baseless remarks”, saying “it is surprising the head of the government is using a public forum for spreading unfoun­ded allegations agai­nst the media and the journalist fraternity instead of ordering an investigation”.

They urged the prime minister to order an inquiry through the FIA or a judicial commission ins­tead of spreading “fake news”.

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