Home / Health / UK police to issue 20 initial ‘Partygate’ fines

UK police to issue 20 initial ‘Partygate’ fines

LONDON: British police announced on Tuesday they would be issuing 20 initial fines, after probing suspected breaches of Covid-19 lockdown laws by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his staff in Downing Street.

London’s Metropolitan Police said it would not be disclosing the number or identities of those being fined, but Johnson’s spokesman confirmed that the UK leader was not among those hit in the first wave of sanctions.

The news nevertheless revives the so-called “Partygate” scandal, which left Johnson fighting for political survival after a number of lawmakers from his ruling Conservatives withdrew their support for his leadership.

Opposition politicians promptly reiterated their calls for his resignation following the Met’s announcement on Tuesday.

“We will today initially begin to refer 20 fixed penalty notices to be issued for breaches of Covid-19 regulations,” the Met said in a statement, adding that its investigation was continuing.

Johnson not among those hit in first wave of sanctions

“We are making every effort to progress this investigation at speed and have completed a number of assessments,” it added.

Because there was still a “significant amount” of evidence to be assessed, they did not rule out further action.

The London force is investigating claims that Johnson and his Downing Street officials organised and attended at least a dozen alcohol-fuelled events in 2020 and 2021 that violated Britain’s then-strict virus curbs.

Johnson has already apologised for the parties, which included Christmas celebrations and a drink-fuelled gathering the evening before Prince Philip’s funeral.

The prime minister, who initially denied any rule-breaking events had occurred in the complex where he lives and works, has consistently rejected personal wrongdoing.

But the 57-year-old faces a fine unless he can adequately explain why he appeared to attend some social gatherings when his government was telling the public that they were illegal.

His office confirmed last month that Johnson had submitted his response to a police questionnaire on the matter, but sources have said he has not been interviewed in person by investigating officers.

His spokesman restated on Tuesday that he would disclose any significant developments in the probe relating to the prime minister.

The “Partygate” revelations and a steady stream of other scandals dating back to late 2021 had left Johnson’s position as prime minister hanging by a thread at the start of this year.

The mood among some of his own MPs grew increasingly mutinous and his position was weaker than at any time since he became prime minister in 2019 on a wave of support for his populist Brexit agenda.

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