Home / Dallas News / Bob’s Breakdown: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott talks border crisis, targets 2 foes at once: O’Rourke, Biden

Bob’s Breakdown: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott talks border crisis, targets 2 foes at once: O’Rourke, Biden

AUSTIN – It’s April but whatever month it is, Gov. Greg Abbott is running simultaneously against President Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke. And no matter the month, the vast majority of the time, the Republican incumbent governor is likely talking about a grievous crime and dereliction of presidential duty he sees: Biden & Co. are making the U.S.-Mexico border the most porous it’s been – ever, Abbott insists. Each death of an American from an overdose of fentanyl is on the Democrats, he says. (So much for personal responsibility.)

  • “Since Biden will not come to the border, we’re sending the border to Biden,” Abbott said on Fox News on Tuesday, referring to his order for the state to charter buses and send migrants to Washington, D.C. As of close of business on Wednesday, eight buses have ferried undocumented new arrivals to the nation’s capital. More were en route.
  • “This is an indictment on the Biden administration and his failure to do his fundamental job of national security and securing our border,” Abbott told Martha MacCallum, host of Fox’s “The Story.” Playing political pundit, he added, “The Biden administration, and candidly Democrats, they’re going to pay a heavy price at the polls in November.”
  • While Abbott and Republicans have sought to blame Biden and Democrats for record inflation, citing COVID-19 relief checks from Uncle Sam, though not pandemic-caused disruptions of supply chains, Democrat O’Rourke seized on Abbott’s bridge-clogging inspections of inbound trucks from Mexico as a fueler of inflation.
  • “Abbott is the arsonist who torched the Texas economy by shutting down trade with Mexico to score cheap political points,” O’Rourke said late last week, even as Abbott was unwinding the inspections. The governor claimed he’d wrested border-security concessions from Mexican border-state governors. “He’s responsible for the inflation it’s caused and the businesses he’s hurt,” O’Rourke said of Abbott. “We’ll never forget the chaos Abbott has caused to our economy and our border communities.”
  • Also on Tuesday, Abbott and GOP Gov. Doug Ducey of Arizona announced on MacCallum’s show that they and 24 other Republican governors had created the American Governors’ Border Strike Force, to “fill the void” created by Biden’s alleged inaction.
  • I asked Abbott press secretary Renae Eze if the multi-state partnership would add any costs, on top of the tab for Abbott’s 14-month-old Operation Lone Star, which is tracking to spend at least $5.3 billion of state taxpayer money in the current two-year budget cycle.
  • “No,” Eze responded. When I asked if Texas wasn’t already sharing information with New Mexico and Arizona on drug-cartel activity, and whether the GOP gubernatorial strike force would cause Texas to work with additional states, Eze spoke of the 26 governors (Massachusetts’ Charlie Baker and Vermont’s Phil Scott opted out) and their memorandum of understanding.
  • “States will be working collaboratively as laid out in the MOU to disrupt and dismantle transnational criminal organizations by increasing collaboration, improving intelligence, investing in analysis, combating human smuggling and stopping drug flow in our states and our nation,” Eze said. The fact that 26 states’ chief executives signed on demonstrates “that border security has significant impacts into communities beyond border states like Texas,” she said.
  • Also on Wednesday, Texas Democrats reportedly made preliminary queries to the Democratic National Committee over how they might pursue requesting that the Lone Star State be allowed to hold one of the earliest presidential primaries in the 2024 nominating cycle. The national party is looking at having as many as five states express the first presidential preferences, not just Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. Those four, in that order, have been the earliest since 2008. But Nevada’s trying to become the first primary. So are other states, such as Michigan. Many Democrats have soured on Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses as lacking racial diversity – and screwing up results. The DNC’s rules and bylaws committee will look at diversity, competitiveness and feasibility, CBS News reported.
  • Spoiler alert: Any such move of Texans’ presidential primary from early March to, say, January, would require approval from the GOP-dominated Texas Legislature. And while potential 2024 candidates for president from Texas such as Abbott and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz might want an earlier primary, it’s far from clear that there’s sufficient love for either guy in the Lege for that to be an automatic done deal.
  • Back to the Texas Democratic Party: Though acknowledging there’s a big potential obstacle in the Pink Dome in Austin, state Democratic spokesmen told Texas Tribune’s Patrick Svitek that “because Texas has such a vibrant and diverse population,” having the state be one of the first to vote would yield Democratic nominees “better prepared to face the country’s dynamic and diverse population.”
  • Let’s break that down: As the second most-populous state, with 20 media markets, Texas is super-costly for a presidential candidate. Making it go first, second, third, fourth or fifth, instead of in March, would build a steeper hill for longshot hopefuls. They just wouldn’t have the moolah. But the state’s sizable populations of Hispanic, Black and Asian American voters – many of them, Democrats – would compel Democratic White House contenders to engage with Texas’ diverse populations. Who knows? That might alter the leading candidates’ stands on issues.
  • True, there are other states in the South and Southwest that could have the same effect. Nevada, Georgia and Arizona come to mind. And Nevada’s already passed its law, switching the Silver State’s voting process from a caucus to a primary system. So it’s ahead of the game. In advance of the 2008 primaries, which was the last time Democrats changed their early calendar, more than a dozen states applied to get into the early window. This go-around, the competition should be equally fierce.
  • Did Texas apply last time? “I wasn’t at the party back in 2007 when this would have happened,” recalled former Austin state Rep. Glen Maxey, who’s been watching this game since he volunteered for Minnesota Sen. Eugene “Clean Gene” McCarthy’s antiwar, insurgent presidential campaign in 1968. “However, I’m quite sure Democrats in Texas didn’t try to move the date, since it was in state law and R’s were in control of the Lege.”
  • Bottom line: The Texas Democratic Party, which is currently distracted by a three-way battle for state chairman, has little to lose by seeking to move up its primary. Being granted one of the early-vote spots seems a longshot. However, Texas has a large delegation to the national convention. It could be a strategic ally to some other states as this all gets ironed out. That could yield more speaking slots, better DNC committee assignments and closer-to-the-hall hotel accommodations – if in-person conventions ever resume. In the meantime, we have something else to chatter about!

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