Home / Entertainment / TikTok star Tinx apologises for ‘Nasty, Horrible’ tweets about Kim Kardashian and Tori Spelling

TikTok star Tinx apologises for ‘Nasty, Horrible’ tweets about Kim Kardashian and Tori Spelling

TikTok star Tinx, real name Christina Najjar, has issued a lengthy apology after her past scathing tweets emerged, in which she poked fun at Kim Kardashian and Tori Spelling.

The 31-year-old influencer came under fire after the posts resurfaced, including one where she described Kim as ‘so fat’, and questioned the decision behind her 2014 Vogue Magazine cover.

The Tiktok star also branded Tori ‘really ugly and pathetic’ in another post – all of which have since been deleted.

Taking to Instagram, Tinx shared a lengthy apology, insisting that she was ‘extremely lost’ at the time.

She wrote: ‘About 10 years ago I sent some truly nasty, mean, horrible tweets. I called people that I had never met fat, pathetic, and ugly. I even called Kim Kardashian fat which is or ionic considering she is my number one idol and person I look up to.’

‘I always say if you’re not cringing at yourself a year ago you aren’t growing. I’m more than cringing / I’m beyond embarrassed and I want to take accountability,’ she began.

‘Guys I’m going to own it and be direct with you. I really needed to be deliberate about what I wanted to say so this wasn’t just a reaction.

‘When I read the tweets back I am ashamed and embarrassed. They are mean spirited and I am not mean spirited – but I used to be. Let me tell you about the girl who wrote those tweets. I was 21 and deeply, deeply insecure. I hated myself and had a bad relationship with my body.’

‘I was also extremely lost,’ she continued. ‘I’ve told you guys about that before. About being so lost and wanting to find a passion and wanting to find my voice. So I tried on many hats, one of which was mean tweeter to get a laugh. And it’s not funny at all.

‘Only insecure people punch down. And only deeply insecure people try to make others the butt of the joke. Being mean is not funny it’s just plain mean.’

‘Hurt people hurt people and I know my words caused hurt,’ she concluded the post. ‘If you’ve been following me for even a little bit, you know that they are not representative of who I am.’

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