Home / Dallas News / Bob’s Breakdown: Gov. Greg Abbott mutes his response to abortion furor in DC

Bob’s Breakdown: Gov. Greg Abbott mutes his response to abortion furor in DC

AUSTIN — Abortion foes may be on the verge of their greatest triumph. But Gov. Greg Abbott isn’t spiking the football with suburban women and other voters who don’t want to see a complete ban on abortion in Texas.

  • Since Monday night’s bombshell leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion suggesting the court may overturn long-standing abortion protections, Abbott’s response has been cautious. To the general public, he has said nothing. Nada. To the AM radio audiences of two conservative talk-show hosts in Texas, he has said he welcomes the prospect that the landmark 1973 Roe vs. Wade ruling could fall, and that he hopes the justices will “issue that opinion this week, … to show that the U.S. Supreme Court will not be intimidated” by leakers.
  • Abbott, though, chose to “narrow cast” his reaction to conservative audiences. Rhetorically speaking, you could say that when he went on the shows of WBAP’s Rick Roberts and nationally syndicated, San Antonio-based Joe “Pags” Pagliarulo on Tuesday, he donned his black robes. Abbott’s a former state district judge, Texas Supreme Court justice and state attorney general. He knows how to “wonk out” on the legalese. He did proclaim “Texas is a pro-life state.” Democratic opponent Beto O’Rourke “is even worse on the abortion issue than Wendy Davis was,” Abbott said, referring to his opponent eight years ago.
  • But mostly, the Republican governor offered technical comments on how the majority opinion toppling Roe, initially penned by Justice Samuel Alito in February and obtained Monday night by Politico, actually can go out right away. It’s unclear if changes have been made to it since February. But Abbott said there’s “long precedent” allowing dissenting justices to take their time and file dissenting opinions later. The court should kick out whatever its majority opinion is, instantly, he said. Abbott also said he didn’t know if the leak constituted a crime. But the leaker – “might be a staffer, might be a clerk,” he said – ought to be disbarred, said lawyer Abbott.
  • Hardly red meat for the base. Abbott didn’t even note that last year he signed into law, not just the six-week abortion ban you’ve heard so much about, but also a “trigger law” that would kick in if Roe falls. It would outlaw all abortions, even for pregnancies that resulted from rape and incest, granting exceptions only for medical emergencies. Performing or attempting to perform an abortion in Texas would become a first-degree felony, with the potential for a life sentence if the fetus dies. And doctors’ licenses could be yanked, and they could be fined $100,000.
  • Nor did Abbott say much that would provoke Texans who aren’t hard-core opponents of legal abortion. That’s even if they were to somehow hear what he said to Roberts and Pagliarulo – unlikely as that is.
  • In the latest University of Texas/Texas Politics Project Poll, released Wednesday, 54% of registered voters said they oppose an automatic ban of all abortions in Texas if the Supreme Court overturns Roe. 35% supported such a ban. Even among Republicans, 34% oppose banning all access to abortion. 57% of independents oppose such a ban.
  • Those who have served Abbott and understand his political biorhythms say he fully understands that a 5-4 or even a 6-3 Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe could be a timebomb for him and other Republicans who are on the ballot this fall. O’Rourke badly needed a pick me up, they note.
  • Unlike Abbott, O’Rourke this week has flooded his social media with reaction to the leaked Alito draft opinion. On Thursday, O’Rourke has scheduled a news conference at the Texas Capitol. On Saturday, he’s holding an abortion rally in Houston. The former El Paso congressman’s intent is clear: He’ll try to use abortion to stir Democrats to go vote. He’s also trying to renew his fairly successful courtship of independents and social-issue-moderate Republican in 2018, when he narrowly lost to U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz. Yes, O’Rourke subsequently took some stands while running for president, which Abbott told Pagliarulo he intends to exploit.
  • “All we really need to do is play videotapes of what he himself said when he talked about supporting open border policies; when he told people that heck yes, he was going to come and take your guns; when he supported the Green New Deal; when he talked about defunding the police,” Abbott said. He’s expected to spend as much as $100 million burning in that message.
  • Abbott bragged to Pagliarulo about how he beat Davis in 2014 by 20 percentage points. “We’ve seen the outcome of votes in Texas when abortion is the primary issue on the ballot,” he said. But Abbott knows full well that eight years ago, his support of a hard-line stance against abortion rights was made in the context of growing Texas restrictions, yes – sonograms, doctors’ hospital-admitting privileges and expensive clinic-upgrade requirements – but not a complete ban. It’s a different world now. And the governor knows it.

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