Home / Entertainment / Queen ‘ring of steel’ on alert against Prince Harry, Meghan Netflix stunt

Queen ‘ring of steel’ on alert against Prince Harry, Meghan Netflix stunt

Queen will not allow Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with Netflix cameras around her at the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Daily Mirror’s royal editor Russell Myers says that the 96-year-old monarch has a ‘ring of steel’ around her in shape of advisors, that would advice the ‘boss’ to stay away from the cameras.

“It’s still a sad state of affairs, I do desperately feel for the Queen having to make these sort of decisions at 96 years of age, having given her life to the country, the Commonwealth, indeed the world, and her whole family is imploding around her,” he suggested.

“There is an absolute ring of steel around the Queen in terms of her advisors. They certainly would be advising Harry and Meghan to not even think about it for a second,” he claimed.

“But who knows what they’ll do. They definitely had been advised not to speak to Oprah Winfrey, not to speak to Gayle King, not to speak to the American journalist last week, and yet they still keep on doing it.”

Meghan and Harry are not invited to stand with the Queen at the balcony during the Platinum Jubilee event.

Russel added of the snub: “I can’t see that we can see it as any different than a major snub. It’s hugely embarrassing for the Sussexes.

“They would never pass up an opportunity to be in the limelight and to be rubbing shoulders with the Royal Family – no matter how much they argue against it – because they still need to be seen as royals.

“Netflix have paid them a huge amount of money and haven’t seen anything in the way of content. Spotify haven’t seen any content, we’re still waiting for these podcasts from Meghan, and Meghan’s been dumped by Netflix for her premiere debut.

“But no doubt they will have a Netflix crew in tow following them in the UK and I’m sure the royals are terrified.”

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