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Queen to present ‘snub of all snubs’ to Prince Harry, Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle UK return with Prince Harry is a recipe for PR disaster, says expert.

Royal author Daniela Elser believes the Sussex couple is bound to have a ‘very awkward’ encounter with the Queen.

Writing for News.com.au, Ms Elser said: “But timing, oh she can be a cruel mistress, and the timing of the Montecito Two’s British return could not be more fraught or already have the makings of a PR nightmare.”

She added: “Not only will this ensure that the Sussexes high-wattage return will be unceremoniously shunted down the ladder into second or third place on the day, this also sets the stage for a potentially very awkward situation with the Queen.”

“Will we see Her Majesty make time to see her grandson and granddaughter-in-law? Ms Elser questions. “Or could she deliver the snub to end all snubs?”

Ms Elser continued: “If the situation comes to pass that both the Queen and the Netflix dabblers find themselves only minutes drive away from one another and the nonagenarian does not make any effort to see them, then it will be nothing short of abjectly humiliating for the duo.

“After all, disaffected, self-exiled former HRHs who the amiable, widely-loved Queen won’t see make for a much harder sell to audiences.”

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