Home / Pakistan / Police deny reports of gang-rape at industrial unit in Karachi’s Korangi

Police deny reports of gang-rape at industrial unit in Karachi’s Korangi

Social media was in an uproar on Wednesday over reports that a female employee had been gang-raped at an industrial unit in Karachi’s Korangi area, however, police denied reports of any such incident taking place.

“Police has checked and verified that no such incident took place,” Deputy Inspector General (DIG) East Muquddus Haider told Dawn.com. The officer said that the reports were mainly circulating on social media.

“Police have conducted an inquiry into it. No victim has come forward while the factory management told the police that it was a drive to defame them,” he added.

Another officer, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Korangi Faisal Bashir, called the reports “fake news”, adding that there were “ulterior motives” behind them.

He said that the factory management had approached the Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) cybercrime wing against these reports.

The police statement comes after reports surfaced on social media, claiming that a female employee at Artistic Milliners had been gang-raped by her colleagues in an hours-long ordeal.

Some reports had also claimed that the alleged victim had died.

Dawn.com has reached out to Artistic Milliners for comment.

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