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Ali Wazir to record statement today

KARACHI: Interned Pashtoon Tahafuz Movement leader MNA Ali Wazir will record his statement before a court in a four-year-old case of alleged ‘sedition’ on Friday (today).

Judicial Magistrate (South) Ms Tahmina will record the PTM leader’s statement under the Section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

On Thursday, the investigating officer of the case produced Ali Wazir before the magistrate and requested to record his statement under Section 164 CrPC. However, defence counsel Abdul Qadir raised the objection that he had not been provided copies of the documentary evidence, including the statements of his client and witnesses recorded by the police under Section 161 of the CrPC. He requested deferment of recording of his client’s statement.

The magistrate granted the request and fixed Friday for recording the statement.

According to the interim challan filed with the ATC-XII, Ali Wazir while addressing a public gathering in a Boat Basin flat in 2018 defamed the state institutions inducing people to wage a war against the state, thus committing sedition.

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