Home / Entertainment / Lizzo recalled being bullied at school by her peers for her choice of ‘music’

Lizzo recalled being bullied at school by her peers for her choice of ‘music’

American singer Lizzo recently revealed she was bullied at school for her choice of “music”.

“It was a Black school,” said the Grammy winner in a new interview with Vanity Fair.

My Skin hit-maker explained, “Mostly Black and brown, Caribbean, I had Nigerian friends… They were all listening to what was on the radio: Usher, Destiny’s Child, Ludacris, and I was into Radiohead’s OK Computer.”

“I kept it hidden, even when I was in a rock band, because I didn’t want to be made fun of by my peers – they’d yell, ‘White girl!’” recalled Lizzo.

About Damn Time singer shared she was also bullied for the way she’d dressed at school.

“I was wearing these flared bell-bottoms with embroidery down it – and they’d say, ‘You look like a white girl, why do you want to look like a hippie?’” remarked Juice crooner.

Lizzo noted, “I wanted to be accepted so bad; not fitting in really hurt.”

The songstress however found a “defence mechanism” to deal with harsh words at the time.

“My defence mechanism was humour. I became the class clown, that’s a kind of perceived confidence,” stated Truth Hurts singer.

Lizzo added, “I have the type of social anxiety where I get louder and funnier the more stressed, I am.”

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