Home / Entertainment / Prince Harry quoted in support of ‘The Crown’ portrayal of Diana

Prince Harry quoted in support of ‘The Crown’ portrayal of Diana

The Crown has been receiving massive backlash over its portrayal of Princess Diana and her fatal car crash however an expert recently used Prince Harry’s words to justify the show.

The View panellist Joy Behar said: “I will say this, one of the pushbacks that they’re getting is about Princess Diana’s death.”

“They’re not going to show what really happened, but I think we all remember how tragic that was, and history is ugly sometimes, and I don’t think there’s a problem showing it,” Joy continued.

“I found a quote from Harry. He told Oprah, ‘History was repeating itself. My mother was chased to her death while she was in a relationship with someone that wasn’t white and now look what happened’.

“He feared that it was gonna happen again. It’s something we should never forget happened,” she added.

Joy challenged actor Dame Judi’s criticism of the show saying: “This dame disagrees with Dame Judi Dench, because they tell you at the top that it is not a documentary.

“If you have a brain, you can figure out that the writers have used history.

“And if it’s documented history, then we can believe it, but we’re not going to believe a conversation that’s going on in the bedroom of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip.

“Nobody was there but the two of them, so you don’t believe that part. But the historical part, you believe,” she added.

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