Home / BreakingNews / Punjab IGP calls back 800 highway policemen from Rawalpindi

Punjab IGP calls back 800 highway policemen from Rawalpindi

RAWALPINDI: The inspector general of police (IGP) Punjab, on Saturday called back 800 personnel of the Punjab Highway Police (PHP) to their parent unit. These personnel were provided to the Rawalpindi district police to maintain law and order during the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) long march.

According to a directive issued by the Punjab IGP to the commandant Punjab Constabulary (PC), AIG PHP and DIG Traffic on Saturday, all the PHP personnel should report to their parent unit forthwith for their regular duties, while the Punjab Constabulary and Elite personnel provided to the City Police Officer (CPO), Rawalpindi, should continue to stay there.

“We are still on special duty in the Dhamial area as the Punjab Constabulary personnel have been performing their duty in three shifts of eight hours each,” said a PC official.

In a related development, PTI chairman Imran Khan announced on Sunday that his long march towards Islamabad would resume on Tuesday from Wazirabad where his container came under attack on Thursday last. Once the march reaches Rawalpindi, Mr Khan would then join and lead it himself.

Of the 1,805 PC personnel provided to the Gujrat district, 264 personnel shall be retained by the district police officer, Gujrat, and 300 personnel provided to the CPO Rawalpindi whereas the remaining strength shall be repatriated to their parent PC battalions forthwith.

The Gujrat DPO shall also retain 15 of 35 Elite teams allocated by the IGP Punjab.

Likewise, the Jhelum DPO shall retain 500 PC personnel and already allocated Elite Teams whereas the remaining 500 personnel shall be provided to the CPO Rawalpindi.

The DIG traffic, Punjab, shall manage the repatriation of traffic staff and equipment in consultation with the districts of allocation regarding the number of personnel to be retained and relieved.

Earlier, 2,100 PHP personnel had been called to assist the police to maintain law and order during the PTI long march and the birthday celebrations of Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Attock.

According to police sources, of the 2,100 PHP personnel 65 Reserves comprising 1,300 personnel had been placed at the disposal of the district Nankana Sahib and Attock to make foolproof security arrangements for the birthday celebrations of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and PTI long march. These 1,300 PHP personnel would continue to remain there for their assigned duties.

After Imran Khan’s announcement that the long march would resume on Tuesday from Wazirabad, the PHP Reserves are likely to be called back to assist the local police in maintenance of law and order.

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