Home / Entertainment / Meghan Markle is from ‘New World’, would never accept monarchy: Expert

Meghan Markle is from ‘New World’, would never accept monarchy: Expert

Meghan Markle had her problems with the monarchy, says expert.

Dr Tessa Dunlop recently commented on how outsider Duchess of Sussex is often compared Prince Philip when he married Queen Elizabeth II, a royal.

Dr Dunlop believes the row is unfair and both of these outsiders were at two different positions during two different timelines.

She tells Express.co.uk: “The difference is Philip understood and believed in monarchy, because he was born royal. He therefore bought into and understood the institution he was entering [by marriage].”

She said: “And, in an era that wasn’t 24/7 media, where you couldn’t make a career out of an Instagram account and a podcast, he understood how humiliating exile was.

“He knew he had to make it work with Elizabeth, because what was the other option? He would have been like his exiled father, with the humiliation of being royal but not having money or a throne.

“Philip was a product of the early 20th Century, when we still really believed in monarchy as an institution and something we deferred to, we thought it was superior to us in many ways and had a magic to it.

“Meghan hasn’t come from a RoyalFamily, quite the reverse, she has come from the New World, America, where they got rid of the monarchy 200-300 years ago.

“Now, America has its selected kingship to this day, the president, and they have always admired the tinsel and trappings and pomp and ceremony and so of course Meghan was going to be impressed by that but she doesn’t believe in the institution because she is American.”

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