Home / Dallas News / Dallas family’s plan to save Addison’s only church, rich in Black history, hits NIMBY wall

Dallas family’s plan to save Addison’s only church, rich in Black history, hits NIMBY wall

White Rock Chapel, one of North Texas’ oldest and most historically significant Black churches, has persevered through 140 years of deadly floods, gutting arson and sometimes precarious finances.

The church survived all of that only to now have its future in question — thanks to the modern-day plagues of confounding municipal regulation and “not-in-my-backyard” neighbors.

But in the 11th hour — a Christmas miracle come early — an increasing number of area residents have begun to seek out the facts rather than pass judgment based on worst-case scare tactics.

Stir in some unintentionally well-timed prayers and White Rock Chapel — a stalwart institution long before the town of Addison grew up around it — is on the verge of its best days yet.

Dallas residents Wanda and Don Wesson purchased the chapel and its acre of land in 2018 after the aging congregation dwindled and the church fell into receivership.

The Wessons planned to refurbish the modest church and fellowship hall in order to create a place of worship and spiritual-based racial reconciliation befitting White Rock Chapel’s historic roots.

Underpinning the Wessons’ private nonprofit, White Rock Chapel of Addison, Inc., is its dedication to the restoration, preservation and interpretation of the legacy of the church and its founders.

I wrote about the Wessons’ purchase as they prepared to host a community gathering in August 2019 to mark the 400th anniversary of the first enslaved Africans kidnapped and brought to the U.S.

Wanda and Don were thrilled about the number of people of all ages and races who participated that day in both history-based conversations and the hard work of prepping the sanctuary’s interior for the planned renovation.

After a long pause during the pandemic, the Wessons resumed the work in 2021 — only to find the early goodwill from city leadership and residents of the surrounding million-dollar homes had mostly evaporated.

The couple took the predicament to God. At their weekly Bible fellowship in a North Dallas church, they prayed, “Lord, send us a way to work through this.”

Also in that 5:30 a.m. prayer circle was architect David Dillard, a principal at Dallas-based HKS. He asked a few questions and realized what the Wessons lacked was an escort through the complex zoning and planning work.

David volunteered to be that guide.

The architect was attracted to the Wessons’ intentions for reconciliation work, especially given the Black and white cooperation that provided the original seeds of the church.

“I had no idea it would turn into something so beneficial, both at a society level and personally for me too,” David told me. “This is one of the most important things we can spend our time doing.”

In July 2019, about a year after purchasing the chapel, Don and Wanda Wesson posed for a...
In July 2019, about a year after purchasing the chapel, Don and Wanda Wesson posed for a photo outside the historic facility. (Ashley Landis / Staff Photographer)

A Texas State Historical Marker, awarded to White Rock Chapel in 2000, bears witness to its remarkable story.

The original 1884 one-room log church, where newly emancipated men and women in the Upper White Rock freedmen’s town worshiped, sat on land their former enslavers sold to them.

That first church was adjacent to what began as the Colored Union Cemetery at White Rock and eventually became the White Rock Cemetery Garden of Memories, today located in a sea of Far North Dallas apartments.

The congregation suffered through decades of devastating flash floods until moving in 1918 to the higher ground where the church sits today. A white landowner, S.S. Noell, gave the property to the congregation and often worshiped with them.

The current chapel is the third on this spot. A storm destroyed the first; the second, a majestic white-frame church, burned down in a suspected arson in 1960.

At a community meeting of 40 or so people Tuesday night, the Wessons and their volunteer team sought to clear up miscommunications about their plans.

Addison, in contrast to most local cities, requires churches to secure a special use permit for operation. Because White Rock Chapel — which also happens to be the only church in the city — existed long before Addison’s founding, zoning experts tell me it’s designation is “legal nonconforming” use.

Robert Kantner left, expressed his concern at Tuesday's town hall about  the possible use of...
Robert Kantner left, expressed his concern at Tuesday’s town hall about the possible use of White Rock Chapel for activities other than regular church functions.(Rebecca Slezak / Staff Photographer)

The Wessons have long maintained they want to use the property solely for worship services and church-related activities. They say the term “special events” in their initial permit application, submitted in October, encompasses weddings, historical presentations, educational activities, Easter egg hunts and such.

That’s not how the small but vocal opposition sees it.

A Nov. 22 letter placed in resident mailboxes characterized the Wessons’ intent as a moneymaking endeavor in the guise of a church that will destroy the peace of the upscale community.

“It will be a disaster and irresponsible if Addison allows a commercial event center in the heart of our very small residential neighborhood,” the letter, signed by three residents, reads.

Louise Rosenfield, who with husband David has lived around the block from the church’s 5555 Celestial Road site for a decade, is aghast at her neighbors’ behavior.

Louise and Wanda have become good friends and both fear some hearts are hardened to the point they will never accept the church.

“The Wessons, who are so gracious, have been thwarted legally and immorally and everything else all along the way,” Louise told me.

Louise Rosenfield, who lives on the street just behind the White Rock Chapel property, feels...
Louise Rosenfield, who lives on the street just behind the White Rock Chapel property, feels that a small but vocal group of neighbors have treated the Wessons unfairly.(Rebecca Slezak / Staff Photographer)

Zoning consultant Rob Baldwin laid out Tuesday what the Wessons are requesting: Continued use of the chapel as a historic church with specific limits on operations and uses.

Neighbors also got a look at renderings of the proposed small pavilion, chapel entrance porch and a landscaping plan for trees, natural vegetation and reflection pond.

Baldwin acknowledged repeatedly that the first application lacked sufficient details. Now with the city staff’s written criticisms and neighborhood feedback in hand, the Wesson team will recraft and resubmit the document.

City staff expect the chapel application to be on the agenda at the Jan. 17 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

Town communications director Mary Rosenbleeth told me Addison has been a longtime supporter of the chapel, including both in efforts to secure the historical marker and a previous rebuilding of its fellowship hall.

“We appreciate the Wessons’ passion for the revival of the White Rock Chapel and will continue to work with them as they go through the zoning process,” she said.

Neighborhood meetings are key to that effort, and by the end of Tuesday’s meeting, the majority of those on hand seemed comfortable with what they heard.

The interior of White Rock Chapel, which was recently transformed for a wedding for church...
The interior of White Rock Chapel, which was recently transformed for a wedding for church member James Grover. Behind the curtains, the interior has been ripped out to the studs.(Rebecca Slezak / Staff Photographer)

Questions were answered — not always to every resident’s satisfaction — regarding issues such as parking, security, lighting and occupancy numbers. The architect’s estimate is that the chapel will seat about 50 people and the fellowship hall slightly fewer.

More than a dozen times, Wanda patiently responded with variations of “No, this is not an events center nor a place we will rent out to third parties.”

I spoke after the meeting with both homeowners who live across the street from the chapel’s parking lot and front door.

Stephanie McGovern, there with her 26-year-old son Samuel, is excited about the church plans, which she expects will bring a greater sense of community to the area.

“I always thought it was a lot more benign than some of the other neighbors felt,” she said. “We’ve had interactions with the Wessons and they’ve always been lovely people.”

The McGoverns also attended a previous meeting, which they described as far angrier and accusatory in tone.

“Unlike that one, a lot more people are leaning positively toward this as they [the Wesson team] get tighter on their description of everything,” Samuel said.

Landscape architect Jeffery Slater shared details of the proposed trees, vegetation and...
Landscape architect Jeffery Slater shared details of the proposed trees, vegetation and other plan elements during Tuesday’s community meeting.(Rebecca Slezak / Staff Photographer)

Kevin Pailet told me his biggest concern was to get details on what the events concept entails and whether it would infringe on the integrity of the single-family neighborhood.

“It sounds like we’ve got good partners and they will work to find an accommodation to put in the language that gets everybody comfortable,” Pailet said.

“There are some who are opposed to any change, no matter what the change is, and that’s too bad,” he said.

It is too bad.

Nobody wants a commercial events property in their backyard, but anyone who has taken time to get to know Don and Wanda Wesson would realize that’s not their goal.

They stepped up with their own funds to become caretakers of a church that otherwise might have rotted away — and with it an inspiring story of reconciliation in North Texas history.

I hope all the neighbors will give them this chance.

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